Books written by Jonathan Safran Foer

  • Here I Am: A Novel

    “I did not say that, Mr. Bloch.” “You did. You just did. Julia—” “I don't remember his exact words.” “I said, 'Racism has no place here.'” “Racism is what racists express.” “Have you ever lied, Mr. Bloch?” Jacob reflexively searched his ...

  • Here I Am: A Novel

    A monumental novel from the bestselling author of Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer's Here I Am In the book of Genesis, when God calls out, “Abraham!” before ordering him to ...

  • Sóc aquí

    Sóc aquí ha estat rebuda unànimement per la crítica especialitzada com una de les grans narracions del segle XXI. «La majoria de la gent dóna per fet que la prova va anar així: Déu demana a Abraham que sacrifiqui el seu fill, Isaac.

  • Aquí estoy

    Aquí estoy es la historia de una familia norteamericana judía que se rompe al tiempo que Israel queda destruido por una catástrofe natural.

  • Här är jag

    Här är jag, som är hans hittills mest personliga verk, har hyllats av kritiker världen över.

  • Aqui estou

    Demonstrando a mesma inventividade enérgica, irreverência jocosa e urgência emocional que leitores e críticos amaram em seus trabalhos anteriores, Aqui estou é o romance mais exploratório, retumbante e eloquentemente divertido de Foer ...

  • Hier ben ik

    Hier ben ik beschrijft drie tumultueuze weken uit het getroebleerde leven van een familie in het hedendaagse Washington D.C. Terwijl Jacob, Julia en hun drie zonen zich onontkoombaar geconfronteerd zien met het verschil tussen hun dromen en ...

  • Hier bin ich: Roman

    Die Fragen »Was ist Heimat? Was bedeutet Zuhause?« stellen sich noch einmal ganz neu, auch für Jacob. Jonathan Safran Foer schreibt sich mit seinem dritten Roman endgültig in den Olymp der amerikanischen Literatur.

  • Me Voici

    Brillant, féroce, déchirant, désopilant, Me voici est l'œuvre la plus aboutie d'un écrivain dont le talent ne connaît plus de limites.

  • Her er jeg: roman

    Familien er i ferd med å gå i oppløsning. Men så inntreffer den virkelige katastrofen. Med en global omveltning som bakgrunn og kollaps på hjemmebane i forgrunnen, spør Safran Foer oss - hva betyr det å høre hjemme?

  • USA Noir

    Ich bog nach rechts in die Harrison Avenue ab, als es das Auto tat, dann wieder rechts auf die Patton Street und dann links auf die Broadmead Street. Die Scheiben waren getönt, offenbar hatte man die Fahrer in Streitereien verwickelt ...

  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: A Novel

    I said hello, I didn't know who he was or why I was being introduced to him, I wanted to find Anna, Mr. Goldberg asked me what I did, his voice was handsome and broken, like a cobblestone street, I told him, “I don't do anything,” he ...

  • Eating Animals

    2 (2002): 185188; P.T. Greenwood & L.R. Rittenhouse, “Feeding area selection: The leaderfollower phenomena,” Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 48 (1997): 267269; B. Dumont et al., “Consistency of animal order in spontaneous group ...

  • Om at spise dyr

    185-188 ; Greenwood , P.T. og L. R. Rittenhouse : „ Feeding area selection : The leader - follower phenomena “ , i : Proc . West . Sect . Am . Soc . Anim . Sci . 48 , 1997 , s . 267-269 ; Dumont , B. et al .

  • Extrem laut und unglaublich nah: Roman

    Der Text ist durchzogen von Bildern, die Oskars Vorstellungen illustrieren und vertiefen. Extrem laut und unglaublich nah ist ein literarisches Ereignis. Extrem laut und unglaublich nah erscheint in über 12 Ländern.

  • Eating Animals

    ... of the Royal Society of London Series B — Biological Sciences 340 (1993): 237– 244; Bshary and others, “Fish cognition,” 1–13; S. W. Griffiths, “Learned recognition of conspecifics by fishes,” Fish and Fisheries 4 (2003): 256–268, ...

  • New Jersey Noir

    BARRY. N. MALZBERG. &. BILL. PRONZINI. Rutherford. Listen. to me. Please listen. Everything I'm about to tell you is the gospel truth. I can't live with this terrible secret any longer. It's been thirty-five years, but I've never ...

  • Conjunctions 36: Dark Laughter

    Fiction. Poetry. This anthology features a special portfolio edited by Bradford Morrow and Jonathan Safran Foer which explores laughter that comes from the darkest part of our hearts.

  • Everything is Illuminated

    Everything Is Illuminated is Jonathan Safran Foer's bestselling novel of a search for truth The inspiration for the Liev Schreiber film, starring Elijah Wood A young man arrives in the Ukraine, clutching in his hand a tattered photograph.

  • Everything Is Illuminated

    —Janet Maslin, New York Times “He will win your admiration, and he will break your heart.” —Joyce Carol Oates “Everything Is Illuminated is a work of genius.” —The Times (London) “An amazing and tremendously moving unity of past and ...