Books written by Cassandra Jackson

  • Violence, Visual Culture, and the Black Male Body

    ... 68 Rohrbach, A. 14 Rolling Stone 45, 56 Rosenberg, Eric 38 Roth, Andrew 78–9 Roth Horowitz Gallery 78–80 Rozario, Kevin 28 S Sanchez-Eppler, Karen 16, 33 Savage, Kirk 18, 20, 24–5 Scarface (Brad Jordan) 55 Scarred Chest (Thomas) 68, ...

  • The Toni Morrison Book Club

    The Toni Morrison Book Club insists that we make space to find ourselves in fiction and turn to Morrison as a spiritual guide to our most difficult thoughts and ideas about American literature and life.

  • Barriers between Us: Interracial Sex in Nineteenth-Century American Literature

    3 Reconstructing America in Lydia Maria Child's A Romance of the Republic and Frances E. W. Harper's Minnie's Sacrifice The quest to build a new nation during the Reconstruction era encouraged interest in a character that engaged the ...

  • The Toni Morrison Book Club

    "What is a book club but an excuse to talk to friends? The Toni Morrison Book Club brings that experience to life by telling the story of four friends who turn to Toni Morrison as they search for meaning in their lives.

  • Violence, Visual Culture, and the Black Male Body

    ... 1 by Hank Willis Thomas (2004). 73 5.1Accused/Blowtorch/Padlock (1986) by Pat Ward Williams. 91 5.2 Heirlooms and Accessories (2002) by Kerry James Marshall. 95 5.3 Shawn Michelle Smith, Untitled 1, from the series In the Crowd. 98 5.4 ...