Books written by Craig Hemmens

  • The Legal Rights of the Convicted

    The Legal Rights of the Convicted

  • Corrections: A Text/Reader

    Thereformatory would encompass all of the rehabilitation focus and feature a graduated reward system (termed the marks system, as in if one behaves, it is possible to earn marks that in turn entitle one to privileges).

  • Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader

    As a hypothesis for this exercise, we take the conclusion that Cornish and Clarke's reduction of a rational choice theory to a heuristic rational choice model does not solve any of the theoretical problems that criticisms of RCT have ...

  • Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective

    Packed with contemporary examples and new pedagogical tools, the Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised with the most up-to-date content and resources to give you a more comprehensive understanding of the criminal courts system.

  • Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader

    Raine, Adrian, Peter Venables, and Mark Williams. 1990 Relationships between central and autonomic measures of arousal at age 15 years and criminality at age 24 years. Archives of General Psychiatry 47:1003–1007.

  • Criminal Justice Case Briefs: Significant cases in criminal procedure

    Savage was driving the truck , and Sharpe was driving the Pontiac . After following the two vehicles for about twenty miles , the agent decided to make an “ investigative stop ” and radioed the South Carolina State Highway Patrol for ...

  • Criminological Theory: A Text/Reader

    Pierce, Glen L., Susan A. Spaar, and LeBaron R. Briggs IV. 1984. The character of police work: Implications for the delivery of services. Center for Applied Social Research, Northeastern University, Boston. Poyner, Barry. 1983.

  • Significant Cases in Criminal Procedure

    In addition to the case summaries, the book includes lists of all of the cases it covers, both in alphabetical order and grouped by topic; a short introduction to each topic; and an index.

  • Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective

    There have been five other Jewish justices, including two current members, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan. It was not until 1965 that the first Black man, Thurgood Marshall, was appointed. On Marshall's retirement, the second Black ...

  • Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective

    Packed with contemporary examples and new pedagogical tools, the Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised with the most up-to-date content and resources to give students a more comprehensive understanding of the criminal courts system.

  • Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective

    Written by three nationally recognized experts in the field, this text examines court structure, courtroom actors, trial and appeal process, and in addition, judicial decision making, specialized courts, and comparative court systems.

  • Criminal Courts + Courts + How Do Judges Decide?, 2nd Ed

    Criminal Courts + Courts + How Do Judges Decide?, 2nd Ed

  • Legal Guide for Police: Constitutional Issues

    Eleventh edition published 2019 by Routledge 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 117 and by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX144RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2019 ...

  • Criminal Justice Case Briefs: Significant Cases in Corrections

    WEST V. ATKINS 487 U.S. 42 ( 1988 ) FACTS West , a prisoner at Odom Correctional Center in Jackson , North Carolina , tore his left Achilles tendon in 1983 while playing volleyball . A physician at Odom examined West and directed that ...

  • Juvenile Justice: A Text/Reader

    Interested in a text/ reader for another criminology or criminal justice here? Explore other titles in the series.

  • Corrections: A Text/Reader

    ... 432-433,656 Risk principle,432-433,656 Riveland, C., 241 Rivera, B. D., 89 Rizzo, J., 352 Robbery, juvenile offenders and, 601 Robbins, Cynthia A.,454-466 Robbins, L.,244 Roberts, J, W., 24 Roberts, Robert E. L., 469-480 Robinson, ...

  • Courts: A Text/Reader

    In addition to DNA testing, the cumulative work of psychologists since the 1970s has cast doubt on the unerring accuracy of eyewitness identification (Doyle, 2005, pp. 129–132; Wells et al., 1998). The “DNA revolution” forced a ...

  • Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective

    First, it is clear that crime causes several types of harm (Karp, 2001, p. 729). For example, there is the material harm, especially the damage to property and lost wages associated with crime. There is also personal and relationship ...

  • Corrections: A Text/Reader

    Austin American-Statesman, September 16. House, James, Ronald Kessler, A. Regula Herzog, Richard Mero, Ann Kinney, and Martha Breslow. (1990). “Age, Socioeconomic Status, and Health.” The Milbank Quarterly 68: 383–411. Irwin, John.

  • Legal Guide for Police: Constitutional Issues

    In Michigan v. Summers, officers went to a home to conduct a search warrant for drugs when they encountered ... of the search.58 The question of what the Court meant by immediate vicinity of the premises was answered in Bailey v.