Books written by John Shannon Hendrix

  • Architecture and the Unconscious

    15 Bruce Fink, The Lacanian Subject, p. 41. 16 Nikos Sideris, Η Εσωτερική Διγλωσσία [Inner Bilingualism] (Athens: Kastaniotis, 1995), pp. 112–14. 17 Bruce Fink, 'Fantasies and the Fundamental Fantasy: An Introduction', in Virtualia 13 ...

  • Architecture as Cosmology: Lincoln Cathedral and English Gothic Architecture

    Bruce Stansfield Eastwood , The Geometrical Optics of Robert Grosseteste ( Ph.D. Thesis , University of Wisconsin , 1964 ) , p . 1 ; Daniel Angelo Philip Callus , “ The Oxford Career of Robert Grosseteste , ” Oxoniensia X ( 1945 ) , p .

  • The Contradiction Between Form and Function in Architecture

    As Geoffrey Scott wrote in The Architecture of Humanism, "The Parthenon deceives us in a hundred ways, with its curved pediment and stylobate, its inclined and thickened columns" (Scott 1980 [1914]: 157). The Doric column itself, ...

  • The Relation Between Architectural Forms and Philosophical Structures in the Work of Francesco Borromini in Seventeenth-century Rome

    As Geoffrey Scott explains in The Architecture of Humanism , If the wild and the accidental are absent from Renaissance architecture , it is certainly not because the men of that period were blind to their attraction .

  • La splendeur de l'architecture gothique anglaise

    L’auteur, John Shannon Hendrix, divise ici le gothique anglais en quatre grandes phases : le gothique primaire, le gothique décoré, le gothique curvilinéaire et le gothique perpendiculaire.

  • The Contradiction Between Form and Function in Architecture

    Laugier, M.-A. (1977 [1753]) An Essay on Architecture (Essai sur l'architecture), trans. W. and A. Herrmann, ... Rowe, C. (1976) The Mathematics of the ldeal Villa and Other Essays, Cambridge, MA:The MIT Press. Rowe, C. and Slutzky, ...

  • Aesthetics & The Philosophy Of Spirit

    “ La qual parte contiene in sè cinque parti : La prima è il vedere , cioè l'ochio ; seconda è la forma de la cosa ... Colin Rowe and Robert Slutzky , “ Transparency : Literal and Phenomenal , ” in Colin Rowe , The Mathematics of the ...

  • Architecture and Psychoanalysis: Peter Eisenman and Jacques Lacan

    ( p . 89 ) , " the source of the desire for self - identity , for the understanding of thought , which is ... The supersensible world of the universal is an “ inert realm of laws ” beyond the perceived world , which only exhibits laws ...

  • Unconscious Thought in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis

    The human subject is both bound to the laws of mechanical causality in phenomena in sense perception and discursive reason, ... by which the thinking subject is affected, belong to the “sensual cognitive faculty” (Kant, 1978, p.

  • Platonic Architectonics

    ... underneath the veil of interpretation , as colored taches following one another according to a law of harmony ... has a parabolic meaning with two conclusions ” ( quoted in Judith Wechsler , ed . , Cézanne in Perspective , p .

  • Architecture and the Unconscious

    ... and psychological aesthetics, to the magisterial starts of Wölfflin, Riegl, Schmarsow, Frankl, and others (p. ... Bragdon clearly picked on Helmholtz's point regarding the association of 'laws of beauty' and 'human intelligence'.

  • The Splendor of English Gothic Architecture

    ... Parkstone International for interest in the project; and all of the cathedrals and churches, for their hospitality and interest in the project. Bibliography Anderson, W. & Hicks, C. (1978). Cathedrals in Britain Acknowledgements.

  • Architectural Forms and Philosophical Structures

    Architectural Forms and Philosophical Structures examines architectural and architectonic forms as products of philosophical and epistemological structures in selected cultures and time periods, and analyzes architecture as a text of...

  • The Cultural Role of Architecture

    By giving synoptic vision of the whole, data can be retrieved, but it is impossible to operate thoughtfully and Camillo himself complained of being hindered by too much memory (Bolzoni 1984; Camillo 1991). Architecture for thinking ...

  • Renaissance Theories of Vision

    7 On the analysis of early modern punishment in Florence, see William J. Connell and Giles Constable. “Sacrilege and redemption in Renaissance Florence: The case of Antonio Rinaldeschi,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes ...

  • The Cultural Role of Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

    Exploring the ambiguities of how we define the word ‘culture’ in our global society, this book identifies its imprint on architectural ideas.

  • The Cultural Role of Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

    Exploring the ambiguities of how we define the word ‘culture’ in our global society, this book identifies its imprint on architectural ideas.

  • Unconscious Thought in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis

    The book explores concepts throughout the history of philosophy that suggest the possibility of unconscious thought and lay the foundation for ideas of unconscious thought in modern philosophy and psychoanalysis.

  • Renaissance Theories of Vision

    On spiritelli, see Dempsey, Inventing the Renaissance Putto, 41. On artistic possession, see Michael Cole, “Discernment and Animation, Leonardo to Lomazzo,” in Reindert L. Falkenburg, W. S. Melion, and T. M. Richardson, eds., ...

  • Architecture and the Unconscious

    Bringing together an international group of contributors, who provide informed and varied points of view on the role of the unconscious in architectural design and theory, this book expands architectural theory to unexplored areas, ...