Books written by Suheil Bushrui

  • Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet

    They went to see “The Irish Players under Yeats” perform Synge's The Well of the Saints and Lady Gregory's The Workhouse Ward; heard Yeats address the Drama League at the Plymouth Theater, where he spoke of Synge (saying that a creative ...

  • Essential Gibran

    Although they knew each other only through their correspondence, which lasted for more than twenty years, they achieved a rare intimacy and harmony of understanding, broken only by Gibran's death. Gibran met 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the son of the ...

  • The Spiritual Heritage of the Human Race: An Introduction to the World's Religions

    An expansive look at faith in all its guises.As societies around the world become more interconnected, the question of how we engage with and understand cultural and religious diversity is...

  • Desert Songs of the Night: 1500 Years of Arabic Literature

    Beautifully produced, this is the ideal book for lovers of world literature and for those who seek an acquaintance with gems of Arab thought and expression.

  • World's Most Treasured Love Poems

    ... the one we love Not the one who loves us. Love is of many kinds. One love says: if you die let me die with you. Another love says: if you buy the stew, I will buy the rice. There is love of the eye, There is love of the mouth. The love ...