Books written by Derek Hughes

  • The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn

    She provided more plays for the stage than any other author and greatly influenced the development of the novel with her ground-breaking fiction, especially Love-Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister and Oroonoko, the first English ...

  • Dark Places

    All had not gone well since and many strange happenings had been reported throughout the building, not least in the bedroom now occupied by Pearson. “His spirit is strong here,” growled Crane with a finality that left little room for ...

  • Mary Pix and Catharine Trotter

    With Garrick's withdrawal from public life and retirement from Drury Lane in 1776 Cowley lost ' the patron ' to whom her ' heart ( was devoted ' . Richard Brinsley Sheridan , the theatre's new manager ...

  • Nursing and the Division of Labour in Healthcare

    Bonfiglio M, Lewis J, Nesbit S and Krinsky D (1997) A contemporary perspective on pharmacy's traditional strengths. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association NS 37(6): ... Burling T, Lentz E M and Wilson R N (1956). 211 REFERENCES.

  • Versions of Blackness: Key Texts on Slavery from the Seventeenth Century

    This edition presents a new edition of Oroonoko, with unprecedentedly full and informative commentary, along with complete texts of three major British seventeenth-century works concerned with race and colonialism: Henry Neville's The Isle ...

  • Humpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall

    Harsh laws and the wall that keeps them in darkness make life dreary for the King's subjects, but Humpty Dumpty defies the King to look over the wall.

  • Hostas

    Back in print: Introductory guide to growing hostas, including hardiness zone information. Provides practical advice on how to plant, propagate, cultivate and landscape with hostas, including information on companion plants.

  • English Drama, 1660-1700

    Derek Hughes's magisterial work forms a close critical study of all the surviving plays written and professionally premiered in England between 1660 and 1700. This extremely readable volume analyses many...

  • The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn

    1697 The Rover revivedbyHis Majesties Servants, LittleLincolnsInnFields; second edition published. The False Count reissued. Possible revivalofThe CityHeiress. Possible revivalof TheYoung King. Poems upon Several Occasions (1684) bound ...

  • Eighteenth-Century Women Playwrights, Vol 1

    This six-volume anthology documents the history of women's drama throughout the 18th century, starting with the emergence in 1695-6 of the second generation of women dramatists to Aphra Benn.

  • Eighteenth-Century Women Playwrights, Vol 3

    This six-volume anthology documents the history of women's drama throughout the 18th century, starting with the emergence in 1695-6 of the second generation of women dramatists to Aphra Benn.

  • The Theatre of Aphra Behn

    During the nineteen years of her play-writing career, Aphra Behn had far more new plays staged than anyone else. This book is the first to examine all her theatrical work.

  • Responsible Sourcing of Materials in Construction

    Responsible Sourcing of Materials in Construction

  • Humpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall

    This classic tale gets a modern twist with a Humpty Dumpty for a new generation. "Humpty Dumpty lived near a wall..." begins this well-known fable. But this time Humpty is ready for battle, with a secret mission and a touch of mischief.