Books written by Anita C. Bundy

  • Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice

    The classic, go-to text on sensory integration for Occupational Therapists Current theory and research based on the original work of A. Jean Ayres and applications of sensory integration to practice Case studies covering a wide range of age ...

  • Sensorische Integrationstherapie: Theorie und Praxis

    In: E.V. Evarts, S. P. Wise, B. Bousfield (Eds.), The motorsystem in neurobiology (pp. 149–153). New York: Elsevier McCloskey, ... Experimental Brain Research, 35, 229–248 Roberts, T. D. M. (1978). Neurophysiology of postural mechanisms ...

  • Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice

    Méthode, technique, intégration sensorielle

  • Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice

    I highly recommend this book as a complete guide to Sensory Integration theory, assessment, and treatment to those clinicians currently involved in SI, or those who are just beginning to explore this very exciting aspect of occupational ...

  • Sensorische Integrationstherapie: Theorie und Praxis

    ... sensorische 214 Diskriminationsstörungen , sensorische , Behandlung 451-460 Dormanz , sensorische 197 - Dysfunktionen , allgemein sensorisch- integrative 18 , 355 , 373 - „ Test of Sensory Dysfunctions in Infants " 215 ...

  • Sensorische Integrationstherapie: Theorie und Praxis ; mit 24 Tabellen

    Lebendige Praxis, theoretisch fundiert, konkurrenzlos kompetent und umfassend Anschaulich durch Patientenbeispiele und Fallgeschichten, Testverfahren, Behandlungsmethoden, Praxisanleitungen Didaktisch klar strukturiert, übersichtlich Ein ...