Books written by Paul Sayer

  • True Adventures of Richard Turpin

    ... about the new body gets the better of me and, twenty minutes later, when the one-handed clock strikes ten and the dark has brought the usual dankness to the corridor, I go back down to the cells and put my yock up to the peephole.

  • Men in Rage

    An account of a week in the life of a disenfranchised young man, secret and not-so-secret road rager, supermarket rager, curser of the aged and the unborn alike, whose tale is threaded with a second narrative, that of Luke and Darren, whose ...

  • Howling at the Moon

    Howling at the Moon

  • Howling at the Moon

    Howling at the Moon

  • The Storm-bringer

    The Storm-bringer

  • The Comforts of Madness

    Inhabiting the twilight world of the catatonic, Peter--as revealed through interior monologues--prefers not to participate in life, although his intelligence and sensitivity are clearly demonstrated in his honest and unself-pitying...

  • The Storm-bringer

    The Storm-bringer

  • The Comforts of Madness

    Inhabiting the twilight world of the catatonic, Peter--as revealed through interior monologues--prefers not to participate in life, although his intelligence and sensitivity are clearly demonstrated in his honest and unself-pitying...