Books written by Adam Smith

  • An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: A Selected Edition

    In addressing the nature and causes of the wealth of nations, Adam Smith made one of the most potent contributions to subsequent ideological history.

  • Wealth of Nations: Easyread Large Edition

    The book is often considered to have laid the basic groundwork for modern economic theory.

  • Untersuchung über das Wesen und die Ursachen des Volkswohlstandes: (der Wohlstand der Nationen)

    Untersuchung über das Wesen und die Ursachen des Volkswohlstandes: (der Wohlstand der Nationen)

  • Funny Jokes: Dirty Dozen Edition

    The Funny Dirty Jokes Bible! Tired of having the same old jokes? Need something new, that is dirty, corny, and very very funny? And do you need jokes that you never heard? This is the book you need! What a dollar represent for you?

  • The Rough Guide to 21st Century Cinema

    Packed with numerous film stills and covering top actors, genres and productions, a visual reference for movie buffs includes coverage of Hollywood blockbusters, indie gems and children's favorites. Original.

  • The Wealth of Nations

    The examples given here are still relevant to view the decisions made by politicians in today's so-called free market countries.

  • The Theory of Moral Sentiments

    " Smith's first section deals with the "Propriety of Action". The very first chapter of the book is entitled "Of Sympathy". This is very telling of Smith's view of life, and his approach to how men should conduct their lives.

  • The Wealth of Nations (Complete) (Books 1-5) (Deluxe Library Binding)

    Smith explores such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets.

  • Funny Dirty One-liners: Best One-liners, Jokes, Dirty Jokes, Jokes for Adults

    -Jokes for adults only; -New jokes from 2017 -Jokes that you will remember forever. LIMITED TIME BONUS: the link to download my FREE HUMOR BOOK FOR ADULTS! This book is free of racism. So relax and laugh!

  • Funny Jokes: Ultimate Lol Edition Book 3: (Jokes, Dirty Jokes, Funny Anecdotes, Best Jokes, Jokes for Adults)

    This jokes book is different!WHY?THE JOKES ARE REAL DIRTY AND YOU WILL REMEMBER THEM 4EVER!Buying and reading this humor book you will get: -Wise jokes for Wiseguys;-A great collection of 500+ FUNNY DIRTY JOKES & SHORT REAL LIFE STORIES; ...

  • Funny Blonde Jokes

    Many of us also love just to read some good jokes for amusement. However, it is not that easy to find really good jokes today. Some of them are simply out-of-date. This jokes book is different! WHY?

  • Funny Jokes: Ultimate LoL Edition V. 2: (Jokes, Dirty Jokes, Funny Anecdotes, Best Jokes, Jokes for Adults)

    Buying and reading this humor book you will get: -A great collection of 250+ FUNNY DIRTY JOKES & SHORT REAL LIFE STORIES; -Dirty jokes about sex, life, alcohol and other cool stuff; -Jokes for adults only; -New jokes for 2017-2018; -Jokes ...

  • Funny Marriage Jokes( Adult Jokes, Dirty Jokes, Funny Anecdotes, Best Jokes)

    Many of us also love just to read some good jokes for amusement. However, it is not that easy to find really good jokes today. Some of them are simply out-of-date. This jokes book is different! WHY?

  • An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

    ... John Maynard Keynes Globalization and Infrastructural Development in India , J.G. Valan Arasu • Indian Economy ... Routledge Dictionary of Globalization , Andrew Jones , Polity Fifty Key Thinkers on Development ( Routledge Key ...

  • Bohatství národů (Pojednání o podstatě a původu bohatství národů)

    Neméně výnosný by byl pro Francii zase obchod s Velkou Británií a vzhledem k bohatství, lidnatos a blízkos obou těchto zemí převyšoval by úměrně tomu obchod, který Francie vede se svými koloniemi. Tak ohromný je tedy rozdíl mezi oním ...

  • Adam Smith: The Theory of Moral Sentiments

    A new edition of Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, an important text in the history of moral and political thought.

  • Der Wohlstand Der Nationen: Eine Untersuchung Seiner Natur und Seiner Ursachen

    Adam Smith (1723-1790) hat hier zentrale Konzepte der Ökonomie wie etwa die Theorie des freien Marktes oder der Arbeitsteilung entscheidend geprägt.”Die unsichtbare Hand“wurde zum geflügelten Wort.

  • The Correspondence of Adam Smith

    This volume offers an engaging portrait of Smith through more than four hundred letters; also included are appendixes with Smith's thoughts on the "Contest with America" and a collection of...

  • The Origin of Primitive Money: (With Illustrations)

    This book presents the origin of primitive money and how it is used since the last centuries. (With the illustration of old moneys used by our ancestors.) "If money is viewed simply as a tool used to facilitate transactions, only those ...

  • 國富論

    Adam Smith所著的《國富論》原書內含五卷(英文稱Book I, II, III, IV, V),因篇幅浩繁,一般分成兩冊出版。 先覺出版《國富論》為卷一至卷三,《國富論II》為卷四至卷五。 近代經濟學思潮之濫觴 改變人類歷史的曠世鉅著 華文世界最完整、最詳盡中文版 這是進入經濟學殿堂不可不讀的經典之作 本書為經濟學之父 Adam Smith 親赴歐洲各地考察,於一七七六年發表。這是人類第一次從理論、政策、歷史等層面,系統化分析經濟行為,被譽為是「經典中的經典」之不朽名著。 作者以「看不見的手」來描摹市場機制的無形力量,主張自由放任的經濟觀念,闡述國民財富的來源和經濟發展的原理,分析政府財政收支與租稅的原則,並且說明財富在社會各階層自然分配的秩序。 本書所主張的人類政治經濟演進方向,歷二百三十載未見衰舊,依然切合今日經濟活動運行之需;而科學化的分析模式,更成為人類各門社會科學研究的濫觴。 展望知識經濟時代,必須從本書追尋人類經濟活動的原點,在歷久彌新的研究方法中,發現未來經濟發展的無限可能。在現在,在未來,本書都是研究經濟理論、分析經濟行為必讀的曠世經典。 作者介紹 亞當.史密斯╱Adam Smith 經濟學之父,古典經濟學的代表性人物。一七二三年出生於蘇格蘭,先後任教於愛丁堡大學和格拉斯哥大學,主要講授邏輯學與道德哲學。一七七八年出任蘇格蘭海關稅務司司長,一七八七年受聘為格拉斯哥大學校長。重要著作有《國富論》《道德情操論》等。 ...