Books written by Michael Postow

  • Pocket Oncology

    DAVID A. BARRON • BARRY S. ROSENSTEIN Definitions of Photons and Elementary Particles in Modern Radiotherapy Ionizing radiation (IR): Photons that have adequate energy to eject orbital electrons from target molecules.

  • Pocket Oncology

    dx Diagnosis dz Disease EBRT External beam radiation therapy EBUS EBV ECF Epirubicin, echo EFS ELISA EM ENETS EOD EOX Epo ER ERSPC ESAs EndobronchialUS Epstein-Barrvirus CIS,5-FU ECG Electrocardiogram Echocardiogram ECX Epirubicin, CIS, ...

  • Pocket Oncology

    "It is with great enthusiasm that we introduce the second edition of Pocket Oncology. The first edition was well received, and given many exciting new developments in the oncology, we are now eager to release an updated second edition.

  • Oncología de Bolsillo

    Escrita y editada por destacados expertos en cáncer en el Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Oncología de bolsillo es una referencia práctica y de alto rendimiento para practicantes y profesionales de la oncología médica y la ...

  • Pocket Oncology

    Written by top marketing and startup bloggers, the book contains the latest information about customer behavior and preferred digital experiences.