Books written by Rita Pellen

  • Innovations in Science and Technology Libraries

    Here is just a fraction of the fascinating cases and important concepts highlighted in Innovations in Science and Technology Libraries: the Drexel University Library’s transition from print to an electronic-only journal collection the ...

  • Cooperative Efforts of Libraries

    Collaborative Digital Reference in Small Academic Liberal Arts College Libraries: Connecticut College, Smith College and Wesleyan University, 2001-2002 Rachel J. Cheng Alan J. Nathanson Heather MacFarlane Beth Hansen Sika Berger SUMMARY ...

  • Internet Reference Support for Distance Learners

    Adams, Kate E. and Mary Cassner. ®Content and Design of Academic ... Subramanian, Jane M. ®The Growing and Changing RoleofConsortia inProviding Directand Indirect Support for Distance Higher Education. ̄ The Reference Librarian,no.

  • Libraries Beyond Their Institutions: Partnerships That Work

    Partnerships That Work Rita Pellen, William Miller. partnerships in academic libraries. The changing goals and priorities of ... Carter, Howard, and Kevin Rundblad. ®The Village of ISS, ̄ Information Technology and Libraries 22 (June ...

  • Libraries Beyond Their Institutions: Partnerships That Work

    “Distance Learning and Library Affairs: Technology Development and Management at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,” in Snyder, Carolyn A. and James W. Fox (Ed.). Libraries and OtherAcademic Sup- port Services for Distance ...

  • Evolving Internet Reference Resources

    ... gives instruction on each step of the process. Each section includes a narrative explanation and an activity that can be completed. Strunk's Elements of Style This is the online text Julie Roberson 37.

  • Innovations in Science and Technology Libraries

    ... as well as the large: sizes of many introductory science classes (Hightower 1996,18) 211. ... differ by what is taught, and (c) what is-and should be-the relationship between IL standards and other standards, A Lubans does, however, ...

  • Google Scholar and More: New Google Applications and Tools for Libraries and Library Users

    New Google Applications and Tools for Libraries and Library Users William Miller, Rita Pellen ... 25 Technorati's current blog tracking numbers, . ... The Rational Guide to Google Blogger.

  • Improving Internet Reference Services to Distance Learners

    Got Distance Services? Marketing Remote Library Services to Distance Learners James Fisk Terri Pedersen Summey SUMMARY. Distance learning students may not think of the “campus” library as the first place to fulfill their information ...

  • Cooperative Efforts of Libraries

    This collection reflects this diversity.” Part one of Cooperative Efforts of Libraries highlights cooperation in regional and statewide activity.

  • Libraries Within Their Institutions: Creative Collaborations

    This unique book examines the elements of effective collaborations for libraries, including partnerships with campus teaching centers; helping faculty design their courses to enhance instruction; long-term perspectives in library-faculty ...

  • Improving Internet Reference Services to Distance Learners

    The book examines why it’s best to consider user needs, funding, staff management, and collaboration development when planning Internet reference services, how to develop and implement a required, credit-bearing online information ...

  • Joint-Use Libraries

    This book gives you practical examples of how to make joint use a POSITIVE reality! The first book of its kind, Joint-Use Libraries presents nine examples of situations in which libraries of different types share a building.

  • Joint-Use Libraries

    Academic libraries, joint libraries, merged services, participatory planning, partnerships, project management, public libraries INTRODUCTION In 1996, San Jose State University President Robert L. Caret and San Jose Mayor Susan Hammer ...

  • Adapting to E-Books

    ... 2 in 21 Days , Third Edition 43.00 Python Programming on Win32 41.00 Refactoring : Improving the Design of Existing ... made use of e - book usage statistics to plan training and promotion ( ebrary Inc. , 2007 ) . Data on usage can be ...

  • Internet Reference Support for Distance Learners

    This unique book examines how they deal with a wide range of related topics, including standards and guidelines, copyright issues, streaming media, and chat and digital references, and presents a historical overview of how reference and ...