Books written by Roger Koppl

  • Expert Failure

    Technical fields such as psychometrics give the word “reliable” a technical meaning from statistics that I am not invoking here. Kaye and Freedman (2011, p. 227) say, “In statistics, reliability refers to reproducibility of results.

  • Money and Markets: Essays in Honor of Leland B. Yeager

    For Mitchell, developing grand theories was child's play. He states, “Give me premises and I would spin speculations by the yard” (Mitchell as cited in Clarke 1936: 410–11). While all institutionalists agreed on the problems of ...

  • Expert Failure

    ... 2016 from Hume, David. (1778) [1983]. The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund. Hutchins, Edwin.

  • Expert Failure

    Another (Davies 1856, p. 611) says: I am sure there is not one gentleman here present who has not felt annoyance, humiliation, and grief, at the spectacle which our profession presented at, perhaps, the most important of modern trials ...

  • Explorations in Austrian Economics

    Features papers presented at the inaugural Wirth Institute Conference on the Austrian School of Economics. This work explores issues in economic policy, applied economics, and pure theory from a variety of perspectives.

  • What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?

    The volume gathers together papers presented at the second biennial Wirth conference on Austrian economics, held in October 2008 when the crisis of Fall 2008 was still new and shocking.

  • Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies

    Austrian economics and entrepreneurial studies have both expanded greatly in the last twenty or thirty years. Unfortunately, they have developed more or less independently of each other. Austrian economics has...

  • Entangled Political Economy

    Volume 18 Entangled Political Economy of the Book Series Advances in Austrian Economics examines the concept 'entangled political economy' from several distinct but complementary points of view.

  • Experts and Epistemic Monopolies

    The strange world of Ivan Ivanov. New York, NY: World Publishing. Peart, S. J., & Levy, D. M. (2005a). The ''vanity of the philosopher'': From equality to hierarchy in post-classical economics. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan ...

  • Money and Markets: Essays in Honor of Leland B. Yeager

    A number of top class contributors have here been brought together to produce a festschrift in Yeager’s honor – edited by Roger Koppl, and including the aforementioned Buchanan, Gordon Tullock, David Colander, Deirdre McCloskey and ...

  • Explorations in Austrian Economics

    Features papers presented at the inaugural Wirth Institute Conference on the Austrian School of Economics. This work explores issues in economic policy, applied economics, and pure theory from a variety of perspectives.

  • What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?

    The volume gathers together papers presented at the second biennial Wirth conference on Austrian economics, held in October 2008 when the crisis of Fall 2008 was still new and shocking.

  • Explaining Technology

    ... A Reconsideration of the Theory of Non - Linear Scale Effects : The Sources of Varying Returns to , and Economics of , Scale Richard G. Lipsey Evolutionary Economics : Its Nature and Future Geoffrey M. Hodgson Coevolution in Economic ...