Books written by Jennifer Creek

  • Occupational Therapy and Mental Health

    Therapy-Works, Albuquerque, New Mexico Wilson K, Kendrick P, Ryan V 1992 Play therapy – a non- directive approach for children and adolescents. Baillière Tindall, London. fURTHeR. ReADINg. Colby Trott M ...

  • The Core Concepts of Occupational Therapy: A Dynamic Framework for Practice

    Clark and colleagues (2007, pp.15S–16S) identified five advantages of habits: They channel resources in a consistent direction and so minimize 1. incoherence and indecision. They conserve energy by enabling the organism to avoid the 2.

  • The Core Concepts of Occupational Therapy: A Dynamic Framework for Practice

    Example 8.3: Ability or skill? an ability is a personal characteristic that supports occupational performance, such as herman's mathematical ability, which supports him in his work as a tax accountant. a skill is an ability developed ...

  • Psykiatrisk ergoterapi

    En sådan række spørgsmål kunne også administreres som et spørgeskema , hvis ergoterapeuten er sikker på , at brugeren fuldt ud forstår dem , men et interview er mere personligt og giver mulighed for at udvikle kontakt ( Florey ...

  • Ergotherapie im Arbeitsfeld Psychiatrie

    Störungen der Affektregulation Als theoretischer Hintergrund dient Linehan die biosoziale Verhaltenstheorie . Sie beschreibt eine unangemessene Affektregulation als primäre Dysfunktion der Borderline - Patienten .

  • Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning

    This text encompasses a wide range of thinking skills and cognitive processes, from reflecting on practice to solving problems, and from reasoning in the clinic to reasoning in the wider political, social, and cultural worlds.

  • Contemporary Issues in Occupational Therapy: Reasoning and Reflection

    This book is a collection of essays on occupational therapy theory and its application in practice.

  • Occupational Therapy and Mental Health

    British Journal of Occupational Therapy 62(11): 521-522 Duncan E . A . S . 2003a Cognitive-behavioural therapy in physiotherapy and occupational therapy. In: Everett T., Donaghy M., Feaver S . (eds) Interventions for mental health: an ...

  • Occupational Therapy Defined as a Complex Intervention

    Occupational Therapy Defined as a Complex Intervention

  • Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning

    This text encompasses a wide range of thinking skills and cognitive processes used by occupational therapists, from reflecting on practice to solving problems, and from reasoning in the clinic to reasoning in the wider political, social, ...

  • Occupational Therapy and Mental Health

    The aim of this book is to communicate to students and professionals the potential of occupational therapy, and to give them a clear picture of the scope of the profession....