Books written by Paul Kemp

  • Cross Current

    He shook his head, his mind suddenly jumbled, his thoughts inchoate. “What? What did you say?” “Consider the answer to that question, Anzat.” Kell could see the Chagrian's fangs bared in a smile, even through the rain, and there was ...

  • Ecohydraulics: An Integrated Approach

    (1998) Application of the hydraulic biotope concept to the classification of instream habitats. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 1: 143—157. Wallace, J.B. and Merritt, R.W. (1980) Filter-feeding ecology of aquatic insects.

  • Does Your Vote Count?

    Two veteran members of Parliament, Patrick Boyer and Ted McWhinney, who come from different sides of the political fence, confirmed the truth of these statements. It seems that the House of Commons has sunk to being a place where ...

  • Friend or Foe: Friendly Fire at Sea, 1939–1945

    Up to now it has always been suggested that she was sunk in collision with the American freighter Thompson Lykes on 18 February, 1942. There were no survivors. However, attention has focused on the circumstances of the sinking and there ...

  • The Halls of Stormweather

    The Halls of Stormweather, a novel in seven parts, is the first book in a series that explores the mean streets of a city where everything has its price and even the wealthiest families will do anything to survive!

  • Does Your Vote Count?

    Suzanne Tremblay, Bloc Québécois MP, 1993–Present I have in my own riding people who earn their living from lumber and they wrote to me and said to be careful with bill C-55 that Sheila Copps (minister of heritage) put in front of the ...

  • Crosscurrent: Star Wars Legends

    Several corridors opened into the chamber, and Relin heard shouts down two of them. They were coming. The realization did nothing to disturb his calm. Taking comfort in STAR WARS: CROSS CURRENT 57.

  • Does Your Vote Count?

    Does Your Vote Count?

  • The Russian Convoys, 1941-1945

    The Russian Convoys, 1941-1945

  • Salmonid Fisheries: Freshwater Habitat Management

    Freshwater Habitat Management Paul Kemp. Defra/Environment Agency (2003) A Refined Geomorphological and Floodplain Component: River Habitat Survey. Report FD 1921. ... Everard, M. (2004) Investing in sustainable catchments.

  • Sea Warfare

    First air and land -- and now the third entry in the Encyclopedia of 20th Century Conflict series takes to the sea.

  • Star Wars: Number Two of Duology

    Over 40 authors have lent their unique vision to 40 scenes, each retelling a different moment from the original Star Wars film, but with a twist - every scene is told from the point of view of a seemingly minor character.

  • The Hammer and the Blade

    A fast paced adventure redolent with the best of classic sword and sorcery tales. File Under: Fantasy [ Swords | Hammers | Deadly Secrets | Time To Die ] From the Paperback edition.

  • Malta Convoys, 1940-1943

    Malta Convoys, 1940-1943