Books written by Steve Marschner

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

    Akenine-M ̈oller, T., Haines, E., & Hoffman, N. (2008). Real-Time Rendering (Third ed.). Wellesley, MA: A K Peters. Akkouche, S., & Galin, E. (2001). Adaptive Implicit Surface Polygonization Using Marching Triangles.

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

    ... of the same length: b = Ra you could use two rotations constructed from orthonormal bases. A more efficient method is given in Efficiently Building a Matrix to Rotate One Vector to Another (Akenine-Möller, Haines, & Hoffman, 2008).

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

    Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Brand, M., & McMillan, L. (2003). A Data-Driven Reflectance Model. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH '03), 22(3), 759–769. McLouglin, T., Laramee, R. S., Peikert, R., Post, F. H., & Chen, M. (2009).

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

    The C2 thin-plate spline is most commonly used (Turk & O'Brien, 2002; J. C. Carr et al., 2001). Like Blinn's exponential function (see Figure 16.2), this function is unbounded as is the resulting variational implicit surface.

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

    These include the two classic computer graphics texts I first learned the basics from as a student: Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice (Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, & Hughes, 1990), and Computer Graphics (Hearn & Baker, 1986).

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

    A Fast Algorithm for General Raster Rotation. In Graphics Gems (pp. 179–195). Boston, MA: Academic Press. Palmer, S. E. (1999). Vision Science—Photons to Phenomenology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Parker, S., Martin, W., Sloan, P., ...

  • Fundamentas of Computer Graphics

    Fundamentas of Computer Graphics

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

    Focusing on geometric intuition, this book gives the necessary information for understanding how images get onto the screen by using the complementary approaches of ray tracing and rasterization.

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fourth Edition

    Focusing on geometric intuition, this widely adopted text gives students in film, gaming, or web design, a comprehensive, fundamental introduction to the mathematics of computer graphics, allowing the programmer to understand and apply ...

  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fourth Edition

    Highlights of the Fourth Edition Include: Updated coverage of existing topics Major updates and improvements to several chapters, including texture mapping, graphics hardware, signal processing, and data structures A text now printed ...