Books written by Kenneth R. Lang

  • Astrophysical Formulae: A Compendium for the Physicist and Astrophysicist

    Thorne, K. S. 203, 267,578, 596, 597, 599–601 Thorton, D. D. 154 Tidman, D. A. 301 Tiomno, J. 392 Titius, J. D. 525 Todd, J. H. 461 Toevs, J. W. 425,427 Tolman, R. C. 429, 585, 603 Tomonaga, S. 450 Tonks, L. 53, 62,223,322 Torrence, ...

  • The Sun from Space

    ogy, Yuhong Fan's (2004) discussion of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Convection Zone, Mark S. Miesch's (2005) review of ... in chronological order: SOHO-4: Helioseismology, edited by J. Todd Hoeksema, Vicente Domingo, Bernhard Fleck, ...

  • Essential Astrophysics

    ... 283 Gill, David, 52 Giovanelli, Ronald G., 267 Gold, Thomas, 278, 284, 290,454, 514 Goodricke, John, 474 Gore, Albert Arnold (Al), 59 Greenstein, Jesse, 548 Gribov, Aladimir, 243 Grotrian, Walter, 256 Gurney, Ronald W., 197 H Hahn, ...

  • The Life and Death of Stars

    Kenneth R. Lang. Table 3.2. Range of temperatures Temperature Location ... The German physician Jules Robert Mayer realized that heat is a form of energy, generally called “force” in his time, and that this energy can change form.

  • Parting the Cosmic Veil

    Ferris, Timothy: Coming of Age in the Milky Way. William Morrow and Company: New York 1988. Ferris, Timothy: The Whole Shebang. A State-of-the Universe(s) Report. Simon & Shuster, New York 1997. Galilei, Galileo: Sidereus Nuncius or The ...

  • The Sun from Space

    If it was a lot colder, the reactions would occur less often and make the Sun shine feebly, like a flashlight with a worn out battery. All the nuclear energy is released in the dense, high-temperature central core. Outside of the core, ...

  • The Life and Death of Stars

    5 What Makes the Sun Shine? 5.1 Awesome Power, Enormous Times The Sun is so big, hot, and nearby that it is the brightest object in the daytime sky, warming our lands and lighting our days, even though the Earth intercepts only a modest ...

  • A Companion to Astronomy and Astrophysics: Chronology and Glossary with Data Tables

    A nova is a member of a close, double-star system in which mass flows from one star, a main- sequence star of late spectral type G, K or M, to another one, usually a white dwarf, producing an explosion on that star that makes it shine ...

  • The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System

    Planets are supposed to shine only by reflected sunlight, while most stars generate their own radiation by thermonuclear reactions in their exceptionally hot cores. Jupiter has its own internal energy source, so it resembles a star in ...

  • Sun, Earth and Sky

    Thus, the Sun is losing weight in order to shine brightly – at the rate of 5 million tons each second. Although the Sun is consuming itself at a prodigal rate, the loss of material is insignificant in comparison with its total mass.

  • The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Sun

    Many full-color figures and photographs throughout the book make all the information highly accessible. Kenneth R. Lang is a professor of astronomy in the Physics and Astronomy Department at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.

  • The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System

    Richly illustrated with full-color images, this book is a comprehensive, up-to-date description of the planets, their moons, and recent exoplanet discoveries.

  • Wanderers in Space: Exploration and Discovery in the Solar System

    When the day and the month are equal , the Moon - induced tides will cease moving ; the oceans will rise ... By this time , however , the Sun will have expanded into a giant star , engulfing the Earth and Moon .

  • The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System

    In addition , for more than for the explosive origin oflunar craters in his influential book two centuries reputable astronomers reported seeing smoke The Face of the Moon first published in 1949. He connected and even fire coming from ...

  • Sun, Earth and Sky

    Nowadays, and in all former times, it is the Sun-driven seasons that dominate our weather. They are created by the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis, together with our planet's annual circuit around the Sun.

  • PLANETEN Wanderer im All: Satelliten fotografieren und erforschen neue Welten im Sonnensystem

    Wilford, J. N.: Mars – unser geheimnisvoller Nachbar, Birkhäuser, Basel 1992. Die Geschichte der Marsforschung aus journalistischer Perspektive. Englischsprachige Literatur Carr, M. H.: The surface of Mars, Yale University Press, ...

  • Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars

    This volume of Astrophysical Data deals with Planets and Stars; a second volume, Part II, will give data for Galaxies and the Universe.

  • Vagabonds de l'espace: exploration et découverte du système solaire

    Vagabonds de l'espace: exploration et découverte du système solaire