Books written by Rattan Lal

  • Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

    Tree Physiol 24(7):765–773 Thornton PE, Law BE, Gholz HL, Clark KL, Falge E, Ellsworth DS, Golstein AH, Monson RK, Hollinger D, Falk M, Chen J, Sparks JP (2002) Modeling and measuring the effects of disturbance history and climate on ...

  • Soil Emission of Nitrous Oxide and its Mitigation

    Hortscience 41(2), 423–426 Owens, L.B., Edwards, W.M., Van Keuren, R.W. (1999) Nitrate leaching from grassed lysimeters ... M.B., Boyer, E.W., Goulding, K.W.T., Heffer, P., Ochwoh, V.A., Vanlauwe, B., Woods, S., Yagi, K., van Cleemput, ...

  • Soil Degradation in the United States: Extent, Severity, and Trends

    Barker, J., G. Baumgardner, D. Turner, and J. Lee. Carbon dynamics of the Conservation and Wetland Reserve Program.J. Soil Water Cons. 51,340–346, 1996. Braeman, J. The Dust Bowl: An introduction. Great Plains Q. 6, 67–68, 1986.

  • Soil Degradation in the United States: Extent, Severity, and Trends

    Lal, Rattan Soil degradation in the United States: extent, severity, and trends/ Rattan Lal, Terry M. Sobecki, Thomas Iivari, John M. Kimble. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-56670-534-7 1.

  • Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics

    The most complete, nonpartisan source of information on this hot agronomic topic available today, this book brings together a diverse group of papers and data to resolve the debate between sedimentologists and soil scientists and ...

  • Methods for Assessment of Soil Degradation

    Rattan Lal, Winfried E. H. Blum, C. Valentin, Bobby A. Stewart. 1. Dregne and Chou Study Dregne and Chou ( 1992 ) estimated the spatial extent and productivity effects of land degradation in dry areas in most countries of the world ...

  • Soil and Climate

    This volume in the Advances in Soil Science series is specifically devoted to describe state-of-the-knowledge regarding the climate–soil nexus in relation to: Soil Processes: weathering, decomposition of organic matter, erosion, leaching, ...

  • Encyclopedia of Soil Science

    N will be essential for meeting the demand for agricultural and animal products for feed, biofuels, meat, and dairy products. ... of N by applying the right source of N and the right rate of N, at the right place and at the right time, ...

  • Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World

    Communities are the basic building blocks and foundations of our society, making critical contributions to the quality of food systems, environment, education, health, economy and overall well-being. Unfortunately, communities are ...

  • Encyclopedia of Soil Science

    It is recognized as a toxic element and has been classified as a human carcinogen affecting skin, lungs, ... impacts on human health, causing skin disorders, cardiovascular disease, Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Third Edition DOI: ...

  • Soil Management of Smallholder Agriculture

    Agroforestry Parklands in Sub-Sahara Africa. FAO Conservation Guide No. 34. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Bouwman, A.F. 1996. Direct emission of nitrous oxide from agricultural soils. Nutr. Cycl.

  • Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 29: Sustainable Soil Management: Preventive and Ameliorative Strategies

    This book addresses the threats that hamper the achievement of sustainable soil management: soil erosion by water and wind, soil organic carbon loss, nutrient imbalance, salinization, contamination, acidification, loss of soil biodiversity, ...

  • Soil Organic Matter and Feeding the Future: Environmental and Agronomic Impacts

    This volume of Advances in Soil Sciences aims to accomplish the following: Present impacts of land use and soil management on SOC dynamics Discuss effects of SOC levels on agronomic productivity and use efficiency of inputs Detail potential ...

  • Soil Organic Carbon and Feeding the Future: Basic Soil Processes

    This volume of Advances in Soil Sciences explains pedological processes set-in-motion by increases in SOM content of depleted and degraded soils.

  • Sheep Production Adapting to Climate Change

    Freeman, San Francisco, pp 410–449 Mekuriaw S, Haile A (2014) Genetic parameter estimates for growth and reproductive trait of sheep for genetic improvement and designing breeding program in Ethiopia: a review.

  • Principles of Sustainable Soil Management in Agroecosystems

    ... Africa WUE: water use efficiency WHC: water holding capacity REFERENCES Akinnifesi, F.K., O.C. Ajayi, G. Sileshi, P.W. Chirwa, and J. Chianu. 2010. Fertiliser trees for sustainable food security in the maize-based production systems ...

  • Environmental Stress and Amelioration in Livestock Production

    By systematically and comprehensively addressing all aspects of environmental stresses and livestock productivity, this volume is a useful tool for understanding the various intricacies of stress physiology.

  • Soil Carbon Management: Economic, Environmental and Societal Benefits

    Better Manage Soil C for Improved Soil Quality In the United States, soil has fueled the availability of abundant, safe food, thus underpinning economic growth and development.

  • Soil Carbon Management: Economic, Environmental and Societal Benefits

    This book highlights the significant economic, environmental, and societal benefits that result from land management practices that maintain or increase soil carbon (C).

  • Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Ecosystems

    This is followed by a critical discussion on the importance of biochar to soil C sequestration in agroecosystems. The book concludes with an outlook about the importance of soils of agroecosystems for climate change policy.