Books written by Peter Trawny

  • Heidegger et l'antisémitisme. Sur les "Cahiers noirs": Sur les "Cahiers noirs"

    Peter Trawny, spécialiste de Heidegger et éditeur de ces " Cahiers ", affronte ici le choc de ces pages mettant en question la thèse prédominante jusqu'à aujourd'hui qui voudrait que l'engagement de Heidegger dans le national ...

  • Heidegger e il mito della cospirazione ebraica

    Peter Trawny, il curatore dell’opera omnia di Heidegger, entra nello studio del grande filosofo per rispondere, senza giustificazioni e sensazionalismo, alla domanda che tutti si pongono: il pensiero heideggeriano può resistere a questo ...

  • Freedom to Fail: Heidegger's Anarchy

    ... the poem ultimately produced,” namely the failure of thinking in respect to its engagement with National Socialism. “The most profound sense of his poetic work,” however, “is to deliver us from this fetishism, to free the poem from ...

  • Heidegger's Black Notebooks: Responses to Anti-Semitism

    This book brings together an international group of scholars from a variety of disciplines to discuss the ramifications of the Black Notebooks for philosophy and the humanities at large.

  • Freedom to Fail: Heidegger's Anarchy

    Thought traverses “the errancy-fugue of the clearing.”11 “Errancy-fugue,” a sonorous word, a singular discovery, without allusion.12 “Errancy,” the place or, better, placelessness of error, a landscape of placelessness, an a-topography, ...

  • Heidegger, une introduction critique

    La publication de mon Introduction critique à la pensée de Heidegger ne pourra se soustraire à ces débats. Peter Trawny

  • Heidegger: A Critical Introduction

    This book by the world-leading Heidegger scholar Peter Trawny is the first introduction to take into account the new material made available by the explosive publication of the Black Notebooks.

  • 海德格尔与犹太世界阴谋的神话
