Ne manquez pas notre reportage exclusif sur les préparatifs du mariage le plus hip de l'année ! " J-30 : plus que trente jours avant le jour J ! Je suis folle d'impatience, je vais avoir le mariage dont j'ai toujours rêvé !
Melissa Senate, Kerri Carpenter, Heatherly Bell. Dear Reader, Coming home to Wedlock Creek, Wyoming, isn't easy for former soldier Nick Garroway. His relationships with his father and brother are complicated to say the least.
Melissa Senate, Shirley Jump, Laurel Greer. Dear Reader, When thirty-two-year-old married Maddie Wolfe loses her memory in a winter storm, she can't remember anything about her husband of seven years: Sawyer Wolfe, Wedlock Creek, ...
Melissa Senate. Dear Reader, Ah, family reunions. The big, loud, loving Winston clan descends on the Dawson Family Guest Ranch for their annual weeklong family reunion in honor of Axel Dawson rescuing Sadie Winston's toddler son when he ...
Melissa Senate, Tara Taylor Quinn, Shannon Stacey. Dear Reader, Ah, family reunions. The big, loud, loving Winston clan descends on the Dawson Family Guest Ranch for their annual weeklong family reunion in honor of Axel Dawson rescuing ...
Melissa Senate. 13. of her students, however inadvertently, and also managed to find love herself. Were you satisfied with the ending? Melissa Senate's writing, especially the descriptions of the food and its preparation, is so vivid.
Melissa Senate has written many novels for Harlequin and other publishers, including her debut, See Jane Date, which was made into a TV movie. She also wrote seven books for Harlequin's Special Edition line under the pen name Meg ...
Holly Maguire's grandmother Camilla was the Love Goddess of Blue Crab Island, Maine--a Milanese fortune-teller who could predict the right man for you, and whose Italian cooking was rumored to save marriages.
Qu'est-ce qui peut bien pousser Ally, Sarah, Zoé, ces trois New-Yorkaises hyperindépendantes, à se réfugier... chez leur cher papa ?
Bref, pas facile d’être célibataire à New York... Enfin, il y a bien Jeremy, mon patron incroyablement sexy. Max, mon ex que je n’arrive pas tout à fait à oublier.
Benden Baska Herkes
Le ricette segrete della cucina dell'amore
Quand la légende de Wedlock Creek apporte le plus précieux des bonheurs Deux berceaux pour une mère Marions-nous. Pour les bébés. Lorsque Liam Mercer, qu'elle rencontre aujourd'hui pour la première...
Au creux du bonheur ; Seconde chance pour une idylle
Miss Malchance, vous connaissez ?
Au creux du bonheur, Maureen Child Adam Quinn – regard de braise, sexy en diable – vient d’entrer dans son studio photo.
Les liens du coeur TOME 3&4 Quand la légende de Wedlock Creek apporte le plus précieux des bonheurs Sur l'autel du bonheur Seule au milieu de l'église de Wedlock Creek,...
Schůzka naslepo
Sevme Beni Yanarsin
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