Books written by David Seedhouse

  • Health: The Foundations for Achievement

    In Van der Veer , D. & Regan , T. ( eds ) , Health Care Ethics : An Introduction , Temple University Press , Philadelphia , p ... AIDS Research Information Center , Inc. , 20 South Ellwood Avenue , Suite 2 , Baltimore , MD 21224-2241 .

  • Ethics: The Heart of Health Care

    Ethics: The Heart of Health Care - a classic ethics text in medical, health and nursing studies - is recommended around the globe for its straightforward introduction to ethical analysis....

  • Ethics: The Heart of Health Care

    EAZE is designed to relieve pain and breathlessness, has done so significantly in 34 cases, moderately in 27 and ... This week PIL has written to each patient's doctor to inform them that EAZE is no longer to be offered compassionately.

  • The Case for Democracy in the COVID-19 Pandemic

    David Seedhouse highlights the alarming irrelevance of inclusive democracy in the governmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, asking why decision-makers so readily ignored centuries of hard-won civil freedoms?

  • Total Health Promotion: Mental Health, Rational Fields and the Quest for Autonomy

    Total health promotion determinedly resists entrapment within the walls of parochial rational fields. Total health promotion is revolutionary health promotion. The total health promoter does not exclusively promote simplistic, ...

  • Ethics: The Heart of Health Care

    Ethics: The Heart of Health Care — a classic ethics text in medical, health and nursing studies — is recommended around the globe for its straightforward introduction to ethical analysis....

  • Health Promotion: Philosophy, Prejudice and Practice

    Incisively written, this new edition of a popular guide first published in 1996 slices through the rhetoric of health promotion.

  • Practical Nursing Philosophy: The Universal Ethical Code

    Nursing ideals and analytical philosophy rarely overlap. As aresult, existing nursing codes fail to define key terms clearlyenough to enable nurses to apply them. David Seedhouse tackles thisproblem by looking...

  • Values-Based Decision-Making for the Caring Professions

    The final chapter of this seminal work points the way to a democratic future in which everyone’s values can be seen and heard, regardless of technical knowledge or social status.