Books written by Otmar Issing

  • Imperfect Knowledge and Monetary Policy

    Neuere Entwicklungen in der Geldtheorie und Währungspolitik , Berlin : Duncker & Humblot Issing , O. , K.-H. Tödter , H. Hermann and H.-E. Reimers ( 1993 ) , “ Zinsgewichtete Geldmengenaggregate und M3 – ein Vergleich , ” Kredit und ...

  • The Long Journey of Central Bank Communication

    In this book, Otmar Issing, himself a former central banker, discusses the journey toward transparency in central bank communication.

  • Der Euro: Geburt, Erfolg, Zukunft

    Flexible Märkte, vor allem ein anpassungsfähiger Arbeitsmarkt, sind wichtige Voraussetzungen, die erfüllt sein müssen, wenn die einheitliche Geldpolitik nach dem Beitritt zur Währungsunion nicht zum Problem für ein neues Mitglied werden ...

  • The Birth of the Euro

    Free of jargon, this is a very human reflection on a unique historical experiment and a key reference for all academics, policy makers, and 'Eurowatchers' seeking to understand how the Euro has got to where it is today and what challenges ...

  • Should We Have Faith in Central Banks?

    Central bank independence is now in vogue because of previous experience of politicisation of monetary policy. But can the central bankers be trusted more than the politicians? In this Occasional...

  • Imperfect Knowledge and Monetary Policy

    Based on lectures given as part of The Stone Lectures in Economics, this book discusses the problem of formulating monetary policy in practice, under the uncertain circumstances which characterize the real world.

  • Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: Strategy and Decision-Making at the European Central Bank

    A non-technical analysis of the monetary policy strategy, institutions and operational procedures of the Eurosystem, first published in 2001.