Books written by John Crabtree

  • Bolivia: Processes of Change

    Another major problem, particularly for the government, emerged when conflicts within or between social movements broke out. An example of this, as we shall see in Chapter 5, was the conflict in October 2006 between different sectors of ...

  • Peru Under Garcia: An Opportunity Lost

    ... DOMESTIC FINANCIAL POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL INSTABILITY David Hall-Cathala THE PEACE MOVEMENT IN ISRAEL, 1967–87 John B. Hattendorf and Robert S. Jordan (editors) MARITIME STRATEGY AND THE BALANCE OF POWER Beatrice Heuser and Robert ...

  • Unresolved Tensions: Bolivia Past and Present

    Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Dandler, J. 1984. “Campesinado y Reforma agraria en Cochabamba (1952–1953): Dinámica de un movimiento campesino en Bolivia.” In Bolivia: La fuerza histórica del campesinado, ...

  • The Great Tin Crash: Bolivia and the World Tin Market

    On 24 October 1985, the price of tin fell by half. The collapse of the international tin market sent shock waves around the world. Despite a gradual recovery, many mines...

  • Patterns of Protest: Politics and Social Movements in Bolivia

    Bolivia leapt onto the front pages of the news in October 2003, when the 'Gas Wars' protests caused the ousting of Bolivia's President, Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada. In the Gas...

  • Fujimori's Peru: The Political Economy

    In its internal structure , it evolved into a strongly hierarchical , clientelistic and authoritarian movement , with little internal democracy , and a marked cult of leadership . Haya's personalista style - indeed his posture as a ...

  • Estado y poder empresarial en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú: Un estudio comparativo

    ... empresas , a través de lo que diseminaron bajo la idea del « milagro peruano » , fue mucho más marcado en el Perú , donde se generalizó la aceptación social ... oposición a la influencia empresarial fue efectivamente marginada . Tal ...

  • Peru: Elite Power and Political Capture

    ... Peru. Boulder, CO: Westview. Mayer, Enrique, 2009. Ugly Stories of the Peruvian Agrarian Reform. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press. Mayer de Zulen, Dora, 1932. El Oncenio de Leguía. Callao: Tipografia Peña. Membreño, Mario ...