Books written by Dan McNichol

  • The Roads that Built America: The Incredible Story of the U.S. Interstate System

    Buggyaut , this time with brakes , for America's first automobile race in 1895 , the Times - Herald contest in Chicago ... Other American mechanics and visionaries were fiddling with the new technology , trying to harness the engine's ...

  • The Big Dig

    The first book ever written about Boston's Big Dig--the largest, most complex highway construction project ever embarked upon in U.S. history! This regional blockbuster reached #1 on the Boston Globe's...

  • The Big Dig at Night

    "Spectacular photographs of Boston's Big Dig at night--and an inside account of what goes on while the city sleeps."

  • The Big Dig Trivia Quiz Book

    How many million cubic yards of earth will Big Dig workers have dug up in downtown Boston when the project is completed? (Sixteen million cubic yards or 192 million wheelbarrows.) Which newspaper, reacting to wildly high cost overruns and ...

  • The Big Dig

    The first book ever written about Boston's Big Dig--the largest, most complex highway construction project ever embarked upon in U.S. history!