Books written by Robert J. Abrahart

  • Practical Hydroinformatics: Computational Intelligence and Technological Developments in Water Applications

    Ecological Modelling, 199: 73–81 DeAngelis DL, Gross LJ (1992) Individual Based Models and Approaches in Ecology: Concepts and ... Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 123: 343–358 Lee J H W, Huang Y, Dickman M, Jayawardena AW (2003) Neural network ...

  • GeoComputation

    From visual data exploration to visual data mining: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 9(3): ... Exploring Geovisualization. ... Visual exploration and explanation in Geography: Analysis with light.

  • Practical Hydroinformatics: Computational Intelligence and Technological Developments in Water Applications

    This book provides a broad account of numerous advances in that field - a rapidly developing discipline covering the application of information and communication technologies, modelling and computational intelligence in aquatic environments ...

  • Geocomputation

    This book provides pointers on how to harness these technologies in tandem and in the context of multiple different subjects and problem areas. It seeks to establish the principles and set the foundations for subsequent growth. L

  • GeoComputation, Second Edition

    You can simply dip in and out or read it from cover to cover. The opening chapter by Stan Openshaw has been preserved, with only a limited number of minor essential modifications having been enacted. This is not just a matter of respect.

  • Geocomputation

    You can simply dip in and out or read it from cover to cover. The opening chapter by Stan Openshaw has been preserved, with only a limited number of minor essential modifications having been enacted. This is not just a matter of respect.