Books written by D. Nurkse

  • A Country of Strangers: New and Selected Poems

    Throughout this matchless career, over eleven books, Nurkse has crafted visceral lines that celebrate the fragility of what simply exists—birdsong, moonrise, illness, water towers—and the complexity of human perception, our stumble ...

  • Love in the Last Days: After Tristan and Iseult

    " For these lovers, time closes like a book, but it remains open for us as we hear both new tones and familiar voices, eerily like our own, in this age-old story made new again.

  • The Border Kingdom: Poems

    In "Ben Adan," a stunning poem in the opening sequence of the collection, we witness the drama between a captor and the prisoner commanded to dig his own grave ("perhaps in a moment / he will lift me up / and hold me trembling, / more ...

  • Love in the Last Days: After Tristan and Iseult

    " For these lovers, time closes like a book, but it remains open for us as we hear both new tones and familiar voices, eerily like our own, in this age-old story made new again.

  • A Country of Strangers: New and Selected Poems

    Throughout this matchless career, over eleven books, Nurkse has crafted visceral lines that celebrate the fragility of what simply exists—birdsong, moonrise, illness, water towers—and the complexity of human perception, our stumble ...

  • Shadow Wars
