Books written by Irwin Altman

  • Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Theory and Research

    Deutscher, I. Words and deeds: Social science and social policy. Social Problems, 1966, 13, 235–265. Dillman, D. A., and Christenson, J. A. The public value for pollution control. In W. R. Burch, Jr., N. H. Cheek, and L. Taylor (Eds.).

  • The Environment and Social Behavior: Privacy, Personal Space, Territory, Crowding

    The Environment and Social Behavior: Privacy, Personal Space, Territory, Crowding

  • Environment and Behavior Studies: Emergence of Intellectual Traditions

    This eleventh volume in the series departs from the pattern of earlier volumes.

  • Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Theory and Research Volume 2

    The papers comprising this second volume of Human Behavior and the Environment represent, as do their predecessors, a cross section of current work in the broad area of problems dealing with interrelation ships between the physical ...

  • Behavior and the Natural Environment

    We believe that this volume will serve a useful purpose in helping to integrate the find ings and concepts in this presently somewhat fragmented field, scat tered as they are over a very diverse array of publications representing a ...

  • Children and the Environment

    The next volume in the series, now in preparation, will address the area of "culture and the environment. " Suggestions for possible future topics are welcome. Irwin Altman Joachim F.

  • Environment and Culture

    Following upon the first two volumes in this series, which dealt with a broad spectrum of topics in the environment and behavior field, ranging from theoretical to applied, and including disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and professionally ...

  • Place Attachment

    In step with the growing interest in place attachment, this volume examines the phenomena from the perspective of several disciplines-including anthropology, folklore, and psychology-and points towards promising directions of future ...

  • Culture and Environment

    These zones , termed the intimate , personal , social , and public zones , represent levels of interpersonal contact ... Hall ( 1966 ) described the intimate zone as follows : At intimate distance , the presence of the other person is ...

  • Elderly People and the Environment

    In F. M. Carp (Ed.), Patterns of living and housing of middle-aged and older people. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, undated. Rabushka, A., & Jacobs, B. Old folks at home. New York: Free Press, 1980.

  • Public Places and Spaces

    This tenth volume in the series addresses an important topic of research, de sign, and policy in the environment and behavior field.

  • Women and the Environment

    New Haven: Yale University. Chamot, D. (1988). Blue collar, white collar: Homeworker problems. In K. Christensen (Ed.), The new era of home-based work: Directions and policies. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

  • Environment and Culture

    Following upon the first two volumes in this series, which dealt with a broad spectrum of topics in the environment and behavior field, ranging from theoretical to applied, and including disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and professionally ...

  • Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Theory and Research

    This is the first in a series of volumes concerned with research encompassed by the rather broad term "environment and behavior.

  • Children and the Environment

    The next volume in the series, now in preparation, will address the area of "culture and the environment. " Suggestions for possible future topics are welcome. Irwin Altman Joachim F.

  • Behavior and the Natural Environment

    We believe that this volume will serve a useful purpose in helping to integrate the find ings and concepts in this presently somewhat fragmented field, scat tered as they are over a very diverse array of publications representing a ...

  • Human Behavior and Environment: Public places and spaces

    Human Behavior and Environment: Public places and spaces

  • Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Theory and Research Volume 2

    The papers comprising this second volume of Human Behavior and the Environment represent, as do their predecessors, a cross section of current work in the broad area of problems dealing with interrelation ships between the physical ...

  • Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Theory and Research. Volume 1

    This is the first in a series of volumes concerned with research encompassed by the rather broad term "environment and behavior. " The goal of the series is to begin...

  • Women and the Environment

    ... Environmental Design Research Association. Schneekloth, L. (1987). Advances in practice in environment, behavior and design. In E. Zube & G. Moore (Eds.), Advances in environment, behavior and design, Vol. 1 (pp. 307- 334). New York ...