Books written by Tamara Thompson

  • Same-Sex Marriage

    On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled by a 5 to 4 vote that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. This anthology provides your readers with a complete overview of the debate about same-sex marriage.

  • Same-Sex Marriage

    On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled by a 5 to 4 vote that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. This anthology provides your readers with a complete overview of the debate about same-sex marriage.

  • The Affordable Care Act

    This book explores the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act, and explains who benefits from the ACA. Readers will learn how the economy is affected by the ACA, and the impact of the ACA rollout.

  • Poverty in America

    This edition explores issues related to poverty in America. Article topics include whether or not poverty is a growing problem in the United Sates, its causes, and ways to reduce poverty for Americans.

  • Superbugs

    This volume takes a look at the issue from all angles; the role of government, where lobbyists and drug companies fit in, and how the overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial products may contribute to the problem.

  • Fast Food

    It makes our lives easier, but it also has been proven to be a terribly unhealthy choice. This collection of essays debates fast food.

  • The Affordable Care Act

    This book explores the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act, and explains who benefits from the ACA. Readers will learn how the economy is affected by the ACA, and the impact of the ACA rollout.

  • Childhood Obesity

    This book examines the role of government, the responsibilities of parents, the health care costs of childhood obesity, fast food and food marketing, as well as physical activity as it relates to childhood obesity.

  • Emergency Response

    U.S. Department of Labor , Bureau of Labor Statistics , “ Firefighting Occupations , ” Occupational Outlook Handbook . . 45. Green , interview . 46. Quoted in Mary Masi , Firefighter Career Starter . New York : Learning Express ...

  • Genetically Modified Food

    This collection of essays explores whether genetically modified foods are safe to eat, how the environment is impacted by GM foods, and the effectiveness of government regulation around GM foods.

  • Solar Storms

    Collects essays examining the threat that solar storms pose to the Earth and humanity.

  • Transgender People

    This book examines the growing transgender rights movement and the issues surrounding the transgender community.

  • Poverty in America

    This edition explores issues related to poverty in America. Article topics include whether or not poverty is a growing problem in the United Sates, its causes, and ways to reduce poverty for Americans.

  • Transgender People

    This book examines the growing transgender rights movement and the issues surrounding the transgender community.

  • Childhood Obesity

    This book examines the role of government, the responsibilities of parents, the health care costs of childhood obesity, fast food and food marketing, as well as physical activity as it relates to childhood obesity.

  • The Right to Die

    We all die, but should we have the ability to choose when? Death is part of life, but not everyone agrees on the details. What if you have painful, terminal illness? Is it okay to seek suicide if a doctor assists?

  • Fast Food

    It makes our lives easier, but it also has been proven to be a terribly unhealthy choice. This collection of essays debates fast food.

  • Urban Farming

    This edition includes a variety of articles on urban agriculture.

  • Senior Citizens and Driving

    Given the decline in eyesight and reflexes that come with age, should seniors drive? Do these factors lead to less safety for other drivers on the road? What can seniors...

  • The Right to Die

    We all die, but should we have the ability to choose when? Death is part of life, but not everyone agrees on the details. What if you have painful, terminal illness? Is it okay to seek suicide if a doctor assists?