Books written by David A. Schultz

  • The Encyclopedia of American Law

    ... inherently suspect and, therefore, should be subjected to a “strict scrutiny” analysis. However, this approach was not adopted by a majority of the Court in subsequent decisions. The case came to the Court after Sharron Frontiero, ...

  • Social Capital: Critical Perspectives on Community and "Bowling Alone"

    This collection tackles the theme of isolation and the breakdown of mediating social institutions. It is, in part, a response to Robert Putnam's Bowling Alone as well as an attempt to create a broader idea of civil society.

  • Social Capital: Critical Perspectives on Community and "Bowling Alone"

    Great sacrifices are not necessary , “ but every day it prompts some small ones ” ( 527 ; Volume II , Part II , Chapter 8 ) . People may get involved in groups to serve their own interests , but those activities can teach other ...

  • The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America: .... volume three

    As the country implements new measures to safeguard the homeland, public awareness of civil liberties and individual rights in America is greater today than at any time since the 1950s....

  • Presidential Swing States

    The volume also adds a chapter examining important swing counties throughout the country. Presidential Swing States describes what makes these few states and counties unique and why the presidency is decided by who wins them.