Books written by Rebecca Cypess

  • Curious and Modern Inventions: Instrumental Music as Discovery in Galileo's Italy

    Andrew L. Thomas, A House Divided: Wittlesbach Confessional Court Culture in the Holy Roman Empire, c. 1550–1650 (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 306; Woolett, Rubens and Brueghel, 94–95. 38. On Isabella's biography, see Magdalena S. Sánchez, ...

  • Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy: New Perspectives

    An interdisciplinary reassessment, Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy evaluates the social, cultural, political, economic, and religious circumstances that shaped this community, especially in light of the need to recognize ...

  • Women and Musical Salons in the Enlightenment

    Lady Rockingham, the Dowager Lady Carlisle, and Miss Pelham, scholars of Giardini, and Mingotti, used to sing. ... See Michael Burden, Regina Mingotti: Diva and Impresario at the King's Theatre, London (London and New York: Routledge, ...

  • Sara Levy's World: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach Tradition in Enlightenment Berlin

    ... Mendelssohn advocated a balance of religious Einheit and Mannigfaltigkeit within the new, secularizing state. ... was careful in this case to distinguish between the concepts of “sameness” (Einerleiheit) and “unity” (Einheit).

  • Women and Musical Salons in the Enlightenment

    On the eighteenth- century notion of sympathy as a force behind human relationships, see Jonathan Lamb, The Evolution of Sympathy in the Long Eighteenth Century (New York: Routledge, 2016). 69. Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments, 26.

  • Word, Image, and Song, Vol. 2: Essays on Musical Voices

    Rather than attributing interpretive control to the composer, performer, or audience alone, these essays present a range of interpretive strategies with respect to the various voices that one might hear and understand as emerging from a ...

  • Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy: New Perspectives

    An interdisciplinary reassessment, Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy evaluates the social, cultural, political, economic, and religious circumstances that shaped this community, especially in light of the need to recognize ...

  • Word, Image, and Song

    This two-volume set explores the relationship between words and music -- and the roles they play in culture and society -- from the Renaissance through the nineteenth century.

  • A Cultural History of Western Music

    The work is divided into 6 volumes, with each volume covering the same topics, so readers can either study a period/volume or follow a topic across history. The volumes are: 1. A Cultural History of Western Music in Antiquity 2.

  • Curious and Modern Inventions: Instrumental Music as Discovery in Galileo's Italy

    ... Le opere, 5:279–88, 5:307–48. English translation in The Essential Galileo, ed. and trans. Maurice Finocchiaro ... parole del sacro testo?” “Letter to Castelli,” in Galilei, Le opere, 5:288, trans. Finocchiaro in The Essential Galileo ...

  • Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy: New Perspectives

    ... Alienated Wisdom: Enquiry into Jewish Philosophy and Scepticism (Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018), 193; Giuseppe Veltri, “Le accademie ebraiche a Venezia,” in Veltri and Chayes, Oltre le mura, 43–45; Chayes, “L'Accademia degli ...