Books written by Sirisha Potluri

  • Recommender Systems: Algorithms and Applications

    This book also looks at fundamental ontological positions that form the foundations of recommender systems and explain why certain recommendations are predicted over others.

  • Machine Learning Approach for Cloud Data Analytics in IoT

    future research directions involving machine learning–deep learning in intelligent resource optimization and allocation techniques. Keywords: Blockchain, deep learning, resource optimization, mobile edge computing, IoT, ...

  • Cloud Security: Techniques and Applications

    This book presents research on the state-of-the-art methods and applications.

  • Cloud Analytics for Industry 4.0

    This book provides research on the state-of-the-art methods for data management in the fourth industrial revolution, with particular focus on cloud.based data analytics for digital manufacturing infrastructures.

  • Recommender Systems: Algorithms and Applications

    ... approach and creates a complexity issue with large datasets. To solve the ... soft' computing techniques (machine learning) in order to anticipate the taste ... computational constraints and complexity. 3. Synonyms: The same or similar items ...