Books written by Jordan Mechner

  • Prince of Persia

    In different centuries of historic Persia, two princes despair over the corruption in their worlds, and as everything they believe in begins to fade, the princes find that only they can stand against the twilight of their eras.

  • Solomon's Thieves

    In fourteenth-century France, when a royal conspiracy destroys the Templar Order for its treasure, Martin--a Templar Knight returning from the Crusades--finds himself one of the only Templars out of prison and attempts to steal the treasure ...

  • The Making of Karateka: Journals 1982-1985

    This first volume is a candid account of the personal, creative and technical struggles that led to his breakthrough success with Karateka, which topped bestseller charts in 1985, and planted the seeds of his next game, Prince of Persia.

  • The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985 - 1993

    This beautifully illustrated and annotated collector's edition includes: 300 pages of Mechner's original journals Present-day margin notations by Mechner adding explanation, context, and affectionate cartoons of real-life characters ...

  • Templar

    After the king of France and the pope massacre the Templars and steal their treasure, Martin assembles a small band of surviving Templars to retrieve the stolen treasure from under the king's nose.

  • Liberté ! T01: Les Insurgés

    1776 : Une armée rebelle américaine hétéroclite défend New York, presque sans arme, face à une écrasante force navale britannique.