Books written by Pertti Alasuutari

  • The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods

    The Handbook serves as an invaluable resource for approaching research with an open mind. This volume maps the field of social research methods using an approach that will prove valuable for both students and researchers.

  • The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods

    As Hammersley has acknowledged, the creation in the education field of an orthodoxy around so-called scientific research principles 'may amount to a new round in the paradigm wars' (2005: 141). However, Hammersley writes that it is ...

  • Desire and Craving: A Cultural Theory of Alcoholism

    A good deal of these beliefs are probably due to the social history of coffee , which from the fifteenth century onward , increasingly replaced wine and other alcoholic drinks as a substance used in social life . 2 Coffee drinking has ...

  • The Synchronization of National Policies: Ethnography of the Global Tribe of Moderns

    ... Financialization and Creative Organizational Politics John Michael Roberts Ideology and the Fight Against Human Trafficking Reyhan Atasü-Topcuoğlu Rethinking Serial Murder, Spree Killing, and Atrocities Beyond the Usual Distinctions ...

  • Researching Culture: Qualitative Method and Cultural Studies

    This book shows how cultural studies transcend traditional divisions between qualitative and quantitative methods and between social sciences and humanities.

  • Epistemic Governance: Social Change in the Modern World

    Information Superhighway: Metaphors as Midwives. Media, Culture & Society, 18(2), 291–314. Schofer, E., & Meyer, J. W. (2005). Worldwide Expansion of Higher Education in the 20th Century.

  • An Invitation to Social Research

    A succinct and engaging introduction to social research, this book outlines how to study social and cultural phenomena, explains the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis, and examines the relationship...