Books written by R. Andrew McDonald

  • Kings, Usurpers, and Concubines in the 'Chronicles of the Kings of Man and the Isles'

    R. Andrew McDonald. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 4. S. Duffy, “Emerging from the Mist: Ireland and Man in the Eleventh Century,” in P.J. Davey and D. Finlayson (eds.), Mannin Revisited: Twelve Essays on Manx Culture and Environment (Edinburgh, ...

  • The Sea kings: The Late Norse Kingdoms of Man and the Isles c.1066–1275

    This book represents the first ever overview of both Manx and Hebridean dynasties that dominated Man and the Isles from the late eleventh to the mid-thirteenth centuries. Coverage is broad and is not restricted to politics and warfare.

  • The Viking Age: A Reader, Third Edition

    For a relatively brief period in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, loose “Viking empires” emerged in the North Sea and Irish Sea. Most notably, King Knut the Great (d. 1035), a grandson of Harald Bluetooth, ruled England, Denmark, ...

  • The Vikings and Their Age

    Adam ofBremen: History of the Archbishops of Hamburg—Bremen, ca 1075 Another important source for early medieval Scandinavia is the Cesta Hammabnrgensis ecclesiae pontificnm (History ofthe Archbishops ofHaniburg-Brenien) of Adam of ...

  • The Viking Age: A Reader, Third Edition

    Who were the Vikings, and do they deserve their unsavoury reputation? Through over 100 primary source documents, this fascinating collection weighs the cultural importance and lasting influence of the Vikings.

  • The Kingdom of the Isles: Scotland's Western Seaboard c.1100-1336

    This study explores the history of the western seaboard of Scotland (the Hebrides, Argyll and the Isle of Man) in a formative but often neglected era: the central middle ages,...

  • The Viking Age: A Reader, Second Edition

    The reader can be paired for classroom use with its companion volume, The Vikings and Their Age, authored by Somerville and McDonald. Together, these books provide comprehensive coverage for a course on the Vikings.