Books written by Hossein Esmaeili

  • The Boundaries of Australian Property Law

    held to be either a fixture or a chattel in various cases.92 In Palumberi v Palumberi,93 which is a leading case that applies the all circumstances test, Kearney J stated: It would seem from perusal of these and other authorities in the ...

  • Modern Perspectives on Islamic Law

    The book starts with an analysis of the nature of Islamic law, its concepts, meaning and sources, as well as its development in different stages of Islamic history. This is followed by accounts of how Islamic law is being practised today.

  • The Legal Regime of Offshore Oil Rigs in International Law

    19, p. 229. Valticos, N. (1979), International Labour Law, Kluwer, Deventer. Van Der Meer Mohr, P.F.M. (1988), 'Measures to Prevent Collision with Offshore Installations on the Dutch Continental Shelf', LJIL, Vol. 1, p. 222.

  • The Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression and Islamic Law

    and Human Rights' (n 16)45–70; M Mahmoud, 'Mahmud Muhammad Taha and the Rise and Demise of the Jumhuri Movement' (2001) ... The Prophet's interpretation of the text represents the initial stage in the text's interaction with the human ...

  • The Boundaries of Australian Property Law

    common law rules of property law. Bijuralism is unavoidable in a positive system because, as O'Connor notes, 'no registration statute operates as an exhaustive code for the transfer of property rights in land'.32 Also unavoidable are ...