Books written by Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest

  • Currency Wars: Offense and Defense through Systemic Thinking

    IEEE Trans Autom Control 19(6):862–873 Wang Y (1985) A simplified computational scheme for pole assignment problem. Control Theory Appl 2(1):115–120 Wang PB (1998) The process and thinking of Hong Kong dollar defense in august.

  • Investment and Employment Opportunities in China

    The four main rivers of Sichuan, as the name Sichuan means literally, are the Jaling Jiang River, Tuo Jiang River, Yalong Jiang River, and Jinsha Jiang River. Because of the significant differences in the terrain, the province ...

  • Capital Account Liberation: Methods and Applications

    The second-level clustering is herein performed by using an agglomerative hierarchical clustering. The following modified Ward's criterion is used as a basis for measuring the distance between two candidate clusters (Ward, ...

  • Managerial Decision Making: A Holistic Approach

    In terms of the general dynamic system, Newton's second law of motion states that each acting force is equal to the product of the mass of the object being acted on and its acceleration of motion, where the object that is being acted ...

  • Value in Business: A Holistic, Systems-based Approach to Creating and Achieving Value

    Covin, J. G., Eggers, F., Kraus, S., Cheng, C. F., & Chang, M. L. (2016). Marketing-related resources and radical innovativeness in family and non-family firms: A configurational approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), ...

  • Investment and Employment Opportunities in China

    Although the book provides suggestions navigating the economic structures in China, the theories presented are general and can be used to assess the investment and employment climate of other countries and regions.

  • A Systems Perspective on Financial Systems

    3 Suppose that S: X —> Y and Sf: Y —> X are linear functional time systems such that S and Sf are time invariantly realizable, then the feedback system F(S, Sf) is time invariantly realizable, if and only if the system S o Sf o F(S, ...

  • Advances in Grey Systems Research

    ... Natural and anthropogenic hazards in karst areas: An introduction, vol. 279, pp. 1–3. Geological Society, London, Special Publications (2007) Parise, M., Qiriazi, P., Sala, S.: Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards in Karst Areas of Albania.