Books written by William Faulkner

  • Requiem for a Nun

    Switching between narrative prose and play script, this is Faulkner's haunting sequel to his earlier bestseller, Sanctuary.

  • As I Lay Dying: The Corrected Text

    The story revolves around a grim yet darkly humorous pilgrimage, as Addie Bundren's family sets out to fulfill her last wish: to be buried in her native Jefferson, Mississippi, far from the miserable backwater surroundings of her married ...

  • Collected Stories

    “Jesus, I can't hardly wait,” I said. “You which?” Rosie hollered. “Jesus?” she hollered. “Jesus? You let your mamma hear you cussing and I bound you'll wait. You talk to me about a nickel! For a nickel ...

  • Pylon: The Corrected Text

    His voice stopped; he became motionless, with the twenty-five cent piece in his left hand and a half dollar and four nickels on his right palm. The clerks watched him put the quarter back into his right hand and take up the four nickels ...

  • Intruder in the Dust

    'I didn't want no field nigger picture in the housc:' and he walked toward them now, putting the fist holding the half-dollar back into his pocket and scooping the dime and the two nickels—all he had—into the palm with it, saying, ...

  • To Have and Have Not: Screenplay

    This is a story also of a collaboration amoung four important writers: Ernest Hemingway, Howard Hawks, Jules Furthman, and William Faulkner.

  • Absalom, Absalom!

    1866 Sutpen becomes engaged to Rosa Coldfield, insults her. She returns to Jefferson. 1867 Sutpen takes up with Milly Jones. 1869 Milly's child is born. Wash Jones kills Sutpen. 1870 Charles E. St. V. Bon appears at Sutpen's Hundred.

  • Una rosa per Emily

    Questo libro ne raduna tre, "Una rosa per Emily", "Miss Zilphia Gant" e "Adolescenza", assumendo come titolo quello del più celebre di essi, che per molti è diventato il simbolo della narrativa di Faulkner, ossessivamente legata ...

  • Sherwood Anderson and Other Famous Creoles

    This is a new release of the original 1926 edition.

  • 福克纳作品精粹


  • 福克纳短篇小说集


  • 福克纳散文随笔精选

    本书精选了福克纳随笔19篇, 演讲词7篇, 序言与评论7篇, 公开信5篇, 包括做客新英格兰印象, 致北方一位编辑的信, 在美国文学研讨会上的讲话等.

  • 福克纳随笔


  • 喧哗与骚动

    "喧哗与骚动"是福克纳经典的长篇小说.小说通过班吉, 昆丁, 杰生, 黑女佣四个视角的叙述, 围绕凯蒂的堕落展开, 讲述了美国南方没落地主康普生一家的家族悲剧.作者采用多角度叙述, ...

  • 喧哗与骚动


  • 喧哗与骚动


  • William Faulkner: Novels 1926-1929 (LOA #164): Soldiers' Pay / Mosquitoes / Flags in the Dust / The Sound and the...

    This is Faulkner as he was meant to be read. In these four novels we can track Faulkner’s extraordinary evolution as, over the course of a few years, he discovers and masters the mode and matter of his greatest works.

  • Thinking of Home: William Faulkner's Letters to His Mother and Father, 1918-1925

    "What a pleasure! . . . Essential for understanding Faulkner, and a good read for everybody." -Noel Polk

  • Intruder in the Dust

    Dramatizes the events that surround the murder of a white man in a volatile Southern community

  • Light in August

    Faulkner's own commentary, and that of leading historians and critics, will help readers sense the many historical and cultural tributaries converging in this great novel.