Books written by Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent

  • Chemistry: The Impure Science

    Langlois, Charles-Victor and Charles Seignobos (1898) Introduction aux etudes histon'ques, Paris, Hachette. Larrere, Raphael (2002) 'Agriculture, artificialisation ou manipulation de la nature?' Cosmopolitiques, 1: 158—173.

  • Chemistry: The Impure Science

    Holmes, F. L. (1971) 'Analysis by Fire and Solvent Extractions: The Metamorphosis of a Tradition' Isis 62: 129–148. Holmes, F. L. (1989) Eighteenth-century Chemistry as an Investigative Enterprise, Berkeley, Office for the History of ...

  • A History of Chemistry

    This book discusses the conceptual, experimental, and technological challenges with wh

  • Science and Spectacle in the European Enlightenment

    47 M. Thomas, Almanach général des marchands, négocians et commerçans de la France et du reste de l'Europe (Paris: ... 57 Chambet, Charles Joseph (1818), Guide de l'étranger à Lyon ou description des curiosités, des monuments et des ...

  • The Public Image of Chemistry

    While chemists have merely complained about their public image, social and cultural studies of science have largely avoided anything related to chemistry.This book provides, for the first time, an in-depth understanding of the cultural and ...

  • The Artificial and the Natural: An Evolving Polarity

    These essays--by specialists ofdifferent periods and various disciplines--reveal that the division between nature and art has beencontinually challenged and reassessed in Western thought.

  • Science and Spectacle in the European Enlightenment

    Also in the series Entropic Creation Religious Contexts of Thermodynamics and Cosmology Helge S. Kragh William Crookes ( 1832–1919 ) and the Commercialization of Science William H. Brock Jesse Ramsden ( 1735-1800 ) London's Leading ...

  • Philosophie de la chimie

    ... avec Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent et sur le sérum contre la diphtérie analysé comme un objet technique : Diphtheria Serum as a Technological Object. A Philosophical Analysis ofSerotherapy in France 1894-1900 (Lexington Books, 2016).

  • Communicating Chemistry: Textbooks and Their Audiences, 1789-1939

    Novario , F. M. M. , Nouveaux éléments de chimie , à l'usage des étudiants en médecine , et des élèves en pharmacie . ... Payen , A. , Cours de chimie élémentaire et industrielle destiné aux gens du monde . Paris : Thomine , 1832 , 8 ° ...

  • Between Nature And Society: Biographies Of Materials

    ... tin era? The Great Tin Crash. Bolivia and the World Tin Market. Latin American Bureau. pp. 83–91. 15. Eisler, M. N. (2020). Power sources. In Martin, J. D. and Mody, C. C. M. (Eds.) Between Making and Knowing. Tools in the History of ...