Books written by Susan Chase-Foster

  • Clover, a Literary Rag

    Clover is a twice yearly publication featuring poetry, stories, and memoir slices.

  • Clover, a Literary Rag

    Clover, a Literary Rag

  • Clover, a Literary Rag

    Clover, a Literary Rag

  • Clover, a Literary Rag

    Clover --fresh -- best collection of poetry and stories our edits can find. All words, no photos in time honored tradition that breaks boundaries.

  • Clover, a LIterary Rag

    Clover, A Literary Rag is a print anthology of poetry, stories and essays.

  • Clover, a Literary Rag

    Clover, Vol. 15 published "Dearest Water," a poem by Nancy Takacs which won a Pushcart Prize (2020 edition).

  • Clover, a Literary Rag

    The best in poetry and short stories Clover's editors can find. Based in Bellingham, WA, this all word publication features writers from all over the globe. Fresh, innovative and relentless in its independence.

  • Clover, a Literary Rag

    Clover, A Literary Rag is a semiannual magazine featuring stories, poems, memoir, and an occasional review.

  • Xiexie Taipei

    Northwest poet, Susan Chase-Foster, and her photographer and Taipei resident son, Moshe Foster, take the reader on a tour of Taiwan through words and photographs.