Books written by David Dobson

  • Scots in the USA and Canada, 1825-1875

    1876 Aberdeen ROY, JAMES, third son of Andrew Roy a brewer in Alloa, Clackmannanshire, died in Windsor, Ontario, in 1873. [S#9409] ROY, ROBERT MAITLAND, son of William Roy in Nenthorn, Berwickshire, died in Belville, Upper Canada, ...

  • Scots in Latin America

    [S#1 1,849] CHRISTIE , son of Robert John Craig Christie, was born in Valparaiso on 28 June 1882. [S#12,195] CLARK, ANDREW LEES, of Assloss, bom on 4 August 1835, son of James Clark, boot and shoe manufacturer, [1788-1871] and Margaret ...

  • After the Rain: Overcoming Diabetes Lupus Arthritis Sarcoidosis Obesity High Blood Pressure and the Effects of Prednisone

    David was a paratrooper in the Army, earning his jump wings on his 30th birthday. David Dobson is an architect currently living in San Diego, California.

  • American Data from the Records of the High Court of the Admiralty of Scotland, 1675-1800

    Walter Gibson: £3222 for freight out and inwards, his own and some he has collected from other freighters James Gibson, his brother: £10 sterling, freight out and the same inwards Ninian Gibson, his supercargo: £10 sterling outwards, ...

  • Scots in the USA and Canada, 1825-1875

    [S#l 1,141] PATE, SAMUEL, emigrated from Greenock aboard the brig Portaferry bound for Montreal in 1833, arrived there on 30 May 1833. [MG:30.5.1833] PATERSON, JOHN, in America, 1841. [NAS.RD5 .7 17.248] PATERSON, JOHN FRASER, ...

  • The People of Moray, Banff, and Nairn, 1700-1799

    In 1130 the Mormaer [Earl] of Moray and his followers rebelled against the rule of King David I of Scotland based in Edinburgh. King David suppressed the revolt with the assistance of Flemish knights who had settled in Scotland.

  • Scots-Dutch Links in Europe and America, 1575-1825

    [Leiden Marriage Register, H69] JONES, JAN, (John Joens), from Scotland, a soldier under Captain Phillippe le Lou, married Christijna Wuacqebuyrs, in Leiden on 1 March 1606. [Leiden Marriage Register] KAY, JOHN, a tailor in St Eustatia, ...

  • Scottish Quakers and Early America, 1650-1700

    [SQS102] SCOTT, JAMES, married Christian Boag servant of David Falconer in Kirkhill, at Montrose 24.3.1691. [SRO.SQR.A.2/43] SCOTT, JOHN, ... W.16.39] SETON, Sir ALEXANDER, imprisoned in Aberdeen Tolbooth 12.3.1676, [ACL.

  • Scottish-American Gravestones, 1700-1900

    [Montrose g/s] ANDERSON, ANNE, born 1792, daughter of Laurence Anderson and Jane Watson, died in New York 24.11.1825. [St Andrews g/s] ANDERSON, CHARLES ENVERDALE, born 1838, sometime Provost of Coupar Angus, died in New York 2.1.1902.

  • Scots in Poland, Russia and the Baltic States: 1550-1850

    WILLIAMSON, G., in Danzig, birth brief dated 1642. ... [KA] WILSON, DAVID, born 181 1 , a farmer, son of David Wilson and Helen Meldrum in Bogward Farm by St Andrews, died in Biszcza, Yrnagrad, Poland, on 20 October 1862.

  • St Andrews Burgesses

    St Andrews Burgesses

  • Burgess Roll of St Andrews 1700-1750

    Burgess Roll of St Andrews 1700-1750

  • Scottish Emigration to Colonial America, 1607-1785

    Dobson's work, based on original research on both sides of the Atlantic, comprehensively identifies the Scottish contribution to the settlement of North America prior to 1785, with particular emphasis on the seventeenth century.

  • Later Scots-Irish Links, 1725-1825

    [GME#22] DICKSON, ANNA, second daughter of Reverend John Dickson, Archdeacon of Hillsborough, County Down, 1798. [NAS.GD22.1289] DICKSON, HUGH, fifth son of John Dickson a farmer in the parish of Cormmeney, County Antrim, ...

  • More Scottish Settlers, 1667-1827

    [DPCA#1110] DICKSON, ROBERT, a fur trader in Upper Canada around 1813. [NAS.NRAS#0069] DICKSON, THOMAS, late servant to Mrs Drummond in Meadowhope, imprisoned in Linlithgow, guilty of rape, later in Edinburgh Tolbooth, released to go.

  • Irish Emigrants in North America: Part six

    [SCCJ.34.1] DICKSON, ROBERT, a yeoman from Tyrone, Ireland, settled in Thurlaw, Ontario, on 23 July 1817. [PAO.MS154] DICKSON, ROBERT, with his wife, son and daughter, from Ireland, landed from the Saltham on 1 August 1817, ...

  • Scots in the West Indies, 1707-1857

    [AJ#5922] DUNCAN, JAMES, born 1813, son of John Duncan and Margaret Ferrier in Stracathro, Angus, died in Jamaica 1854. [Brechin g/s] DUNCAN, JOHN, merchant, youngest son of George Duncan the Controller of Stamp Duty in Scotland, ...

  • Scots in the American West, 1783-1883

    [S#10,461] DUFF, JAMES, in Denver, President of the Colorado Elevator and Warehouse Company, 1880. [NAS. ... [S# 12,274] DUNCAN, DAVID GRIEVE, born 1829 in Edinburgh, son of Reverend Dr Alexander Duncan, died in New Orleans, Louisiana, ...

  • Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775: The People of Argyll

    CAMPBELL, DUNCAN, merchant in Inveraray, son of Alexander Campbell tacksman of Auchlian, was admitted as a burgess of Inveraray, ... S/H] CAMPBELL, GEORGE, of Elister was served as heir to his brother Colin Campbell, 17 July 1753. [NAS.

  • Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775: The People of Highland Perthshire

    This is part of a series by David Dobson designed to identify the origins of Scottish Highlanders who traveled to America prior to the Great Highland Migration that began in the 1730s and intensified thereafter.