Books written by Won Y. Yang

  • Electronic Circuits with MATLAB, PSpice, and Smith Chart

    NMOS (KP=1th VTO=1 --- d --- --- LAMBDA=2E+3) o: --- ** w w ło" Double Wilson current mirror analysis with V2 as the sweep variable (b2) (c) - Vro . V3 =Vds – yes =yga wo-yo . Dos G3 G4 1/9m3 soa + 2V R., - — - XValues [12:57m ...

  • Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB

    [W-1] Weber, Hans J., Frank E. Harris, and George B. Arfken, Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers, ... [W-6] Wylie, C. Ray and Louis C. Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995.

  • Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB

    Compared with 'fctrl1() ', 'fctrl2() ' is easier to program as well as to read, but is subject to runtime error that is caused by the excessive use of stack memory as the number of recursive calls increases with large n.

  • Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB

    9.2.3 The Crank-Nicholson Method Here, let us go back to see Eq. (9.2.7) and try to improve the implicit backward Euler ... 2(1 I r)”; + 6611, (9.2.16) _ At with r : A— Ax2 With the Dirichlet/Neumann type of boundary condition on xO/xM, ...

  • Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB

    Won Y. Yang, Wenwu Cao, Jaekwon Kim, Kyung W. Park, Ho-Hyun Park, Jingon Joung, Jong-Suk Ro, Han L. Lee, Cheol-Ho Hong, Taeho Im ... Augmented matrix epss=eps*ones (NA, 1); for k=1: NA %Scaled Partial Pivoting at AB (k, k) by Eq. (2.2.

  • Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB

    This new edition provides an updated approach for students, engineers, and researchers to apply numerical methods for solving problems using MATLAB® This accessible book makes use of MATLAB® software to teach the fundamental concepts for ...

  • Circuit Systems with MATLAB and PSpice

    Researchers and engineers without extensive electrical engineering backgrounds will also find this book a helpful introduction to circuit systems.

  • Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB

    The aim of this book is to help the readers understand the concepts, techniques, terminologies, and equations appearing in the existing books on engineering mathematics using MATLAB.

  • Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB

    In recent years, with the introduction of new media products, there has been a shift in the use of programming languages from FORTRAN or C to MATLAB for implementing numerical...