Books written by Norman Mccord

  • The Northern Counties from AD 1000

    Lavery 1917. F. Lavery, Irish Heroes of the Great War, 1917. Lawson 1966. W. Lawson, 'The Origin of the Military Road from Newcastle to Carlisle', AA4, XLIV, 1966. Lawson 1971. W. Lawson, 'The Newcastle to Carter Bar Road 428 The ...

  • The Northern Counties from AD 1000

    The influential Bellingham family espoused the parliamentary cause. Among MPs of the North West, Sir Henry Bellingham alone joined the parliamentary side. Some interests played little part in the conflict. The fifth earl of Cumberland ...

  • British History 1815-1914

    An illuminating local example is E. C. Midwinter, Social Administration in Lancashire, 1830–1860: Poor Law, Public Health and Police (Manchester, 1969). For imperial affairs, W. P. Morrell, British Colonial Policy in the Age of Peel and ...

  • British History 1815-1914

    Bibliographies and works of reference Published bibliographies include J. L. Altholz, Victorian England, ... History since 1760: A Select Bibliography (1970), and H. J. Hanham, Bibliography of British History, 1851–1914 (Oxford, 1976).

  • British History 1815-1914

    Son of the first Marquess of Londonderry, he was educated at Armagh and Cambridge. ... As Chief Secretary for Ireland,1798–1801, he steered the Act of Union between Ireland and Britain through the Irish Parliament in 1800.

  • Essays in Tyneside Labour History

    Essays in Tyneside Labour History