Books written by Robin Harris

  • The Conservatives - A History

    For a somewhat less critical view see Dennis Kavanagh and Philip Cowley, The British General Elmiun 14/2010 (London: h'lacmillan, 2010). pp 33-1-9. The results of the 2010 General Election were: Conservative 306. Labour 258.

  • Not for Turning: The Life of Margaret Thatcher

    13 Nicholas Ridley, 'My Style of Government': The Thatcher Years (London: Hutchinson, 1991), pp. 63–4. 14 See Nicholas Crafts, Britain's Relative Economic Decline, 1870–1995: A Quantitative Perspective (London: Social Market Foundation, ...

  • Not for Turning: The Life of Margaret Thatcher

    Now Robin Harris, for many years Mrs. Thatcher's speechwriter, close adviser, and the draftsman of both volumes of her autobiography, has written the definitive book about this indomitable English woman.

  • Not for Turning: The Life of Margaret Thatcher

    Now Robin Harris, for many years Thatcher's speechwriter, trusted adviser and the draftsman of two volumes of her autobiography, has written the defining book about this indomitable woman.

  • Good Wood Joints

    This is a practical reference for all people in woodworking.