Books written by Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

  • Selected Poems

    Page 96 , " The Muse " ' : Sisyphus chore : unending labor ; from the legendary King of Corinth who for earthly misdeeds was ... Page 96-97 : " Epigram " : Trixie is for Beatrix or Beatrice , Dante's beloved ; Laura inspired Petrarch's ...

  • The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova

    Akhmatova was recognised as one of the world's great poets after her death in 1966. Refusing to leave Russia when her work was censored and her name attacked she spoke...

  • 阿赫瑪托娃/巴斯特納克


  • My Half Century: Selected Prose

    "Anna Akhmatova is known as one of twentieth-century Russia's greatest poets, a member of the quartet that included Mandelstam, Pasternak, and Tsvetaeva. This is the first paperback collection of her prose available in English.

  • The Word that Causes Death's Defeat: Poems of Memory

    This book presents Nancy K. Anderson’s superb translations of three of Akhmatova’s most important poems: Requiem, a commemoration of the victims of Stalin’s Terror; The Way of All the Earth, a work to which the poet returned ...

  • Requiem

    L'or se couvre de rouille, l 'acier tombe en poussière, Et le marbre s'effrite. Tout est prêt pour la mort. Ce qui résiste le mieux sur terre, c'est la tristesse,...