Books written by James Carlson

  • Raising Healthy Cattle

    The two most common ways to balance rations for cattle are the square (Pearson Square) method and the trial and error method. With the introduction of computer technology, many programs have been written to facilitate ration formulation ...

  • A New Diagnostic Tool for Prolo Therapy: Structural Diagnostic Photography

    This book "A New Diagnostic Tool for Prolo Therapy: Structural Diagnostic Photography" is for health professionals. It is one of the last publications he contributed to this medical field before his death.

  • Period Mappings and Period Domains

    Tôhoku Math. J., 20, 443–497. Bott, R. 1957. Homogeneous vector bundles. Ann. Math., 66, 203–248. Bott, R. and L. W. Tu. 1982. Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology. Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin. Braun, R. and S. Müller-Stach.

  • Period Mappings and Period Domains

    James Carlson, Stefan Müller-Stach, Chris Peters. Lu, X. and K. Zuo. 2014. On Shimura curves in the Torelli locus of curves. Lu, X. and K. Zuo. 2015. The Oort conjecture on Shimura curves in the Torelli locus of ...

  • Period Mappings and Period Domains

    This up-to-date introduction to Griffiths' theory of period maps and period domains focusses on algebraic, group-theoretic and differential geometric aspects.

  • Business Calculus: Backward and Forward (First Edition)

    This approach first introduces the concept of area, which is more intuitive for students, before advancing to the concept of slope. Additionally, the text features exercises and problems that are exclusively business related.

  • International Church Assessment: A Light to All Nations? Assessing the Missional Strength and Commitment of International Churches in Europe

    In this thesis, Carlson provides a summary of how he became involved with international church work and summarizes all of the literature dealing with international churches.

  • Thuggish Itch: Close the Gate

    Each time I drive passed, I wonder what the point of the gates are, and why it was so important that they remain closed.Thuggish Itch's sixth collection, Close the Gate, features eighteen short stories from a group of authors from all over ...


    Chills, thrills and death abound in this book all comes unwound delights and frights here are found demons and creepers lurk around Hell-o-Ween night will you survive try to come out of this alive A bunch of horror writers come together to ...

  • The Poincare Conjecture

    ... 3-manifolds. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 27(1992), 207–216. MR1153266 (93b:57013) C. McMullen. Renormalization and 3-Manifolds which Fiber over the Circle, volume 142 of Annals of Math. Studies. Princeton University Press, 1996. MR1401347 ...