Books written by Michael S. Brady

  • Emotional Insight: The Epistemic Role of Emotional Experience

    Clore, G. (1994b), 'Why Emotions Require Cognition', in Ekman and Davidson (eds). Clore, G. and Gaspar, K. (2000), “Some Affective Influences on Belief", in Frijda, Manstead, and Bem (eds). Cowan, R. (2011), Ethical Intuitionism, ...

  • Emotional Insight: The Epistemic Role of Emotional Experience

    An important part of Johnston's picture is that affect or feeling has a certain kind of “authority” over us. He writes: [I]t is because affect can be the disclosure of the appeal of other things and other people that it can have ...

  • New Waves in Metaethics

    Kelly, T. (2005) The Epistemic Significance of Disagreement', in J. Hawthorne and T. Gendler (eds) Oxford Studies in Epistemology, Volume 1 (Oxford: Oxford ... Lewis, D. (1969) Convention: a Philosophical Study (Cambridge, Mass.

  • The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives

    The aim of this book is to address this lack, by presenting original essays in the field of collective epistemology, exploring these regions of epistemic practice and their significance for Epistemology, Political Philosophy, Ethics, and ...

  • Suffering and Virtue

    ... pain sensation, in other words, but this pain sensation is not unpleasant and doesn't hurt. Is she suffering? It is difficult to think that she is, if we think that suffering is necessarily a bad state for her to be in, and correspondingly ...

  • The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives

    ... make claims which give others sufficient reasons for belief.3 If you legitimately hold epistemic authority But making political legitimacy dependent on the correctness of the 136 FABIENNE PETER 1. Practical and Epistemic Authority.