Books written by Tim McNeese

  • Dred Scott V. Sandford: The Pursuit of Freedom

    Ibid., p. 12. 7. Ibid., p. 15. 8. Quoted in Winthrop D. Jordan, White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the ... Ibid., p. 41. 16. Ibid., pp. 50–51. 17. Quoted in Paul S. Boyer, ed. The Oxford Companion to United States History.

  • Disability Rights Movement

    ... 33; Interim Archives/Getty Images, 35; Jacques Boyer/Roger Viollet/Getty Images, 36; C. E. Chambers/Library of Congress, 38; Sonnee Gottlieb/Hulton Archive/ Getty Images, 48; ... Disability rights movement / Tim McNeese. p. cm.

  • The Rise and Fall of American Slavery: Freedom Denied, Freedom Gained

    48–49 ; Heilbroner and Singer , p . 133 . 9. Elizabeth Fox - Genovese , Within ... Paul S. Boyer , ed . , The Oxford Companion to United States History ( New York : Oxford University Press , 2001 ) , p . 508 . 21. Cooper , p . 151 . 22.

  • The Age of Absolutism (eBook)

    Territories of Spain Austria Page 2 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Spain, the kingdom of Naples (southern Italian peninsula), Lombardy, Spanish Netherlands 2. Baltic states and Finland 3. Slavic states (Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, ...

  • The World at War (eBook)

    Page 4 Britain's postwar problems included loss of one million young men in war, high taxes, decade of cynicism and frustration following WW I, skyrocketing national debt, serious nationalist movements within the Empire, political war, ...

  • The World at War (ENHANCED eBook)

    Page 4 Britain's postwar problems included loss of one million young men in war, high taxes, decade of cynicism and frustration following WW I, skyrocketing national debt, serious nationalist movements within the Empire, political war, ...

  • The U.S. Presidency Part 3: Van Buren through Pierce

    The U.S. Presidency: Answers Fa Page 33 Military heroes such as Zachary Taylor were popular with the American people.They admired such people and felt compelled to reward them with political office. Page 34 Although Fillmore was opposed ...

  • The U.S. Presidency Part 6: Taft through Hoover

    Page 62 Taft was much less drawn to the public eye. He was quieter and less dramatic and showy. He did not enjoy his presidency nor did he aspire to become president as Roosevelt did. Page 65 1. Wilson was known as an academic, scholar, ...

  • The Age of Napoleon (eBook)

    Page 23 1. France, Belgium, Netherlands, Corsica, and part of Austrian empire. 2 Spain; German states; Grand Duchy of Warsaw; northern Italy; including Papal States; kingdom of Naples; Sicily; Sardinia; Switzerland North Atlantic Ocean ...

  • The U.S. Presidency Part 1: Washington through Jefferson

    Page 15 1. Jefferson's talents included his skills as a political theorist, writer, philosopher, diplomat, and educator. 2. He wrote pamphlets, organized nonimportation agreements, served in the Continental Congress, ...

  • The U.S. Presidency Part 4: Buchanan through Grant

    The U.S. Presidency: Answers Page 38 1. Buchanan served in the Pennsylvania assembly; was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1820; was appointed minister to Russia; served as a U.S. Senator; was appointed as secretary of ...

  • Life and Strife in the Colonies: The American Colonies

    L Page 51 1. The earliest African arrivals were not, by definition, true slaves, since the institution did not legally exist in North America.Thus, the early arrivals worked as indentured servants. Only later did slavery come into ...

  • The Oregon Trail and Westward Expansion Events: The American Frontier

    The American Frontier: Answer Key Page 80: Test V Part I. 1. I 2. E 3. D 4. J Part II. 1. I 2. E 3. A 4. J Page 84 5. F 6. C 7. K 8. G 9. B 10. L 11. H 12.A 5. F 6. L 7. K 8. G 9. C 10. B 11. H 12. D 1. The Native Americans were ...

  • Colonizing the New World: The American Colonies

    The American Colonies: Answers Page 13 1. The work of one farmer could produce a crop as profitable as the work of six men from an equal number of acres of wheat.Tobacco became so profitable that the colonists used it in lieu of money.

  • Changing Politics in Early America: Politics, Parties, and Reform

    Page 61: The Monroe Presidency By stating the Monroe Doctrine,Americans began to feel the United States had finally arrived on the world scene as a nation of power, one that others recognized as a force to be reckoned with.

  • The Models of Democracy: The Origins of the Constitution

    Page 2 1. Answers will vary on the students definitions of democracy.They may give the Greek definition of rule by the people, but other answers along the same lines will be acceptable.Another definition found on this page is a state ...

  • The U.S. Presidency Part 8: Nixon through Obama

    Page 90 Reagan was adamantly opposed to communism during his entire political life.As president of the Screen Actors Guild in 1947, he took an active part in fighting communism and sought to eliminate communists from Hollywood.

  • The End of Revolution: From Valley Forge to Victory

    Page 11: A British Strategy Goes Awry 1. Chief among the problems for the British was the American landscape.The region of upstate represented a difficult countryside to advance across.There were numerous lakes and rivers, ...

  • Plessy V. Ferguson: Separate But Equal

    According to his brief, Phillips “claimed that a state's power to exercise its regulatory police powers differed when applied to railroad cars and to schools.”91 This was an important argument, since schools in Washington, DC, ...

  • The Abolitionist Movement: Ending Slavery

    antislavery advocates, especially Phillips, would remain constant thorns in the side of the president. They wanted the ongoing war between the North and South to lead to the destruction of slavery. Lincoln remained aloof on the subject ...