Books written by William H. McNeill

  • Hutchins' University: A Memoir of the University of Chicago, 1929-1950

    Part of the deal contrived in 1931, when Adler left the Department of Philosophy for the Law School, was the appointment of Charles Morris, a graduate of the Chicago department and a representative of everything in philosophy that Adler ...

  • Keeping Together in Time

    At any rate, shamanism, as it survives among pastoral and hunting peoples of northern Asia, is commonly supposed to descend from Paleolithic religious practices. This seems plausible, inasmuch as ideas and rituals that resemble Asian ...

  • The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community

    Konow, S., 320 n. Koprulu, Mohammed, 612 Korais, ... Laufer, B., 320 n., 323 n. La Vallée Poussin, L., ... Levant, 97, 144, 190, 192, 251, 277, 441,445, 451, 490 m., 491, 508, 509, 518, 546, 616, 653 Levi, S., 348 n. Levy, G. R., 8 n., ...

  • The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000

    489—505 and passim. 76. Ellis W Hawley, “The New Deal and Business," in John Braeman et al., eds., The New Deal: The National Level (Columbus, Ohio, 1975), p. 61; William E. Leuchtenburg, 79. W. K. Hancock and M. M. Gowing, ...

  • History of Western Civilization: A Handbook

    Millar, F. The Emperor in the Roman World, 31 B.C.—A.D. 337. ... Millar, F. The Roman Empire and its Neighbors. Rev. ed. ... Byrne, Don. Brother Saul. New York: 1927. Duggan, Alfred. Family Favorites. New York: 1961. Fast, Howard.

  • 竞逐富强: 西方军事的现代化历程


  • 世界史: 从史前到21世纪全球文明的互动


  • Bayonets For Hire: Mercenaries at War, 1550-1789

    Mercenaries at War, 1550-1789 William Urban, William H. McNeill. did Louis XIV make a formal alliance with the sultan. What Louis XIV provided was uncertainty. * Barker calls the Grand Vizier arrogant, cocksure, proud, probably bisexual ...

  • Venice: The Hinge of Europe, 1081-1797

    William H. McNeill. Professor Manussacas in a monastic library at ... See Iohn W. Barker, Manuel II Palaeologus, 13911425: A Study in Late Byzantine Statesmanship (New Brunswick, N. ]., 1969). For a convenient summary of the "Greek ...

  • History of Western Civilization: A Handbook

    This sixth edition includes new material for the twentieth-century period and completely revised bibliographies.

  • The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community

    "This is not only the most learned and the most intelligent, it is also the most stimulating and fascinating book that has ever set out to recount and explain the whole history of mankind. . . . To read it is a great experience.

  • Venice

    Concentrating on Venice as the hinge of European history in the late medieval and early modern period, McNeill explores the technological, economic, and political bases of Venetian power and wealth, and the city’s unique status at the ...

  • Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History

    From the big bang to the 21st century, the 'Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History' provides an integrated view of human and universal history.

  • Europe's Steppe Frontier, 1500-1800

    In Europe’s Steppe Frontier, acclaimed historian William H. McNeill analyzes the process whereby the thinly occupied grasslands of southeastern Europe were incorporated into the bodies-social of three great empires: the Ottoman, the ...

  • Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History

    McNeil pursues the possibility that coordinated rhythmic movement--and the shared feelings it evokes--has been a powerful force in holding human groups together.

  • Europe's Steppe Frontier, 1500-1800

    In Europe’s Steppe Frontier, acclaimed historian William H. McNeill analyzes the process whereby the thinly occupied grasslands of southeastern Europe were incorporated into the bodies-social of three great empires: the Ottoman, the ...

  • Arnold J. Toynbee: A Life

    One of the most remarkable thinkers of this century, Arnold Toynbee won world-wide recognition as the author of the monumental ten-volume A Study of History.

  • The Letters of William H. Mcneill and David Christian: Leaving Western Civ Behind

    The Letters of William H. Mcneill and David Christian: Leaving Western Civ Behind

  • A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to 1500

    A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to 1500

  • A History of the Human Community: Prehistory to 1500

    An intellectually and stylistically unified overview of world history, this text draws a global portrait of the human past–showing how each part of the world fits into the overall balance...