Books written by David Campbell

  • Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism

    London: Routledge. Doran, R. (2000) EasyIet Plans Price War. The Times, London, p. 29. Finlay, P. (2000) Strategic Management: An Introduction to Business and Corporate Strat— egy. Harlow: Pearson Education. Grant, RM.

  • Remedies in Contract and Tort

    See further RA Kagan , ' The Routinisation of Debt Collection : An Essay on Social Change and Conflict in the Courts ' ( 1984 ) 18 Law and Society Review 323 and H Collins , Regulating Contracts ( 1999 ) pp 324-5 . n 13 , p 267 . ibid ...

  • British Destroyer vs German Destroyer: Narvik 1940

    ... reflector (powered from a cable running off the ship's mains), and was operated by a trigger on a pistol grip. ... Wireless telegraphy (W/T) and radio telegraphy (R/T) were also available, but during the early years of the war the ...

  • It Can't Last Forever: The 19th Battalion and the Canadian Corps in the First World War

    Injuries, accidental and Hill-irillioloiloliiola Filoilo siro Injurios irol 'i'i'iHiriil: # less poward Poisoners of war ioidosaliniuilds. self inllified § of oiiiriiod filo inn-foil Killo Hollaltiro *iiii-silil Foil Hirii-Hilal Fairul ...

  • Silent Celebration - The Generation That Transformed America

    Clausen describes this new kind of individualism as “non-judgmental” (first mentioned by Alan Wolfe) that in essence is a sort ofI won'tjudge you and you won'tjudge me. Live and let live so long as some universal taboos, ...

  • The New Rural Economy: Change, Dynamism and Government Policy

    ... Donald | Boudreaux Professor John Burton Professor Forrest Capie Professor Steven NS Cheung Professor Tim Congdon ... A Gregg Walter E Grinder Professor Steve H Hanke Professor Keith Hartley Professor David Henderson Professor Peter ...

  • Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity

    ... had differing consequences for gender — processes associated with the development of political economy and the social contract - are the subject of an extensive literature. See, for example, Joan W. Scott and Louise A. Tilly, Women, ...

  • Venetian Holiday: A Novel

    “Finding things,” answered Brother Bosco, and he scowled. “Tch. Have you never prayed to Saint Anthony to help find your car keys, my son? Now please. Don't interrupt me again. Ahem—” He turned another page and resumed his inventory of ...

  • US Soldier vs Afrikakorps Soldier: Tunisia 1943

    Lieutenant-General Sir Kenneth A.N. Anderson's First Army, a combination of British, French, and American units, ... Responsibility for their defense fell mainly to Major General Lloyd R. Fredendall's II Corps: the 1st Armored Division ...

  • In/visible War: The Culture of War in Twenty-first-Century America

    2 (1999): 29–37, and David Rieff's “Were Sanctions Right,” New York Times, July 27, 2003, article/170/41951.html. Rieff's article includes appalling quotations from Clinton-era officials ...

  • Her Mother's Daughter

    “This map is part of the Dr. Hendon M. Harris collection and is also included in Harris' book, TheAsiatic Fathers of America. Charlotte Harris Rees is the daughter of Dr. Harris, and she published an abridged edition of Harris' book in ...

  • Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

    1:5 and 16:26, where the positive “obedience of the nations” is stated, but Christ's victory over even the ... e.g., Eph. 2:1-3), began at the cross (like “D-Day”) and will be consummated at Christ's final coming (like “V-Day”).

  • British Destroyer vs German Destroyer: Narvik 1940

    Konstam, Angus (2017b). British Destroyers 1939–45: Wartimebuilt classes. New Vanguard 253. Oxford: Osprey. Koop, Gerhard & Schmolke, Klaus-Peter (2003). German Destroyers of World War II. Barnsley: Seaforth. Lavery, Brian (2006).

  • Society and Early Child Development

    Society and Early Child Development

  • Systemic Work with Organizations: A New Model for Managers and Change Agents

    This book explores the challenges faced by managers and consultants working in large organisations.

  • Systemic Work with Organizations: A New Model for Managers and Change Agents

    Systemic Work with Organizations explores a powerful new perspective on the challenges faced by managers and consultants who work in large organizations.

  • Victorian 2009 Bushfire Research Response: Final Report

    Victorian 2009 Bushfire Research Response: Final Report

  • 旅游战略管理


  • Audit Judgment Applications: An Integrated Case

    When industry ratios are available from credit rating services like Dun & Bradstreet or Standard & Poors , Harer & Jones requires the calculation and consideration of these ratios on an engagement . When industry ratio analysis is not ...

  • Learning Consultation: A Systemic Framework

    Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). In the light of this concept, burnout can be seen as the result of exaggerated use of inadequate coping strategies like distancing, self-control, escape, and avoidance (Rasmussen, 1990). 2.