Books written by Clive Egleton

  • One Man Running

    started on Wednesday evening when they had arrived at the cottage in Upton and she had been worried stiff one of her neighbours would see them go indoors and tongues would start wagging . Her naked fear had manifested itself again after ...

  • Cry Havoc: A Peter Ashton Novel

    Miles Delacombe was a small man , no taller than five feet seven and definitely overweight for his height . He had a smooth round face , the makings of a double chin and a stomach that made him look four months pregnant .

  • Assassination Day: A Peter Ashton Novel

    A small man , no taller than five feet seven and definitely overweight for his height , he had a smooth round face , the makings of a double chin , and a stomach that made him look four months pregnant . Delacombe had thin sandy hair ...

  • Death of a Sahib

    ME ' R CHATTERJEE was a small man with a hawk's face , dark glittering eyes and a sharp tongue . He resented anyone disturbing his afternoon nap and he didn't welcome unexpected visitors , especially the likes of Mr. Lal senior whom he ...

  • The Skorzeny Project

    A small man with sharp pointed features and receding fair hair , Wirth found himself dwarfed by the powerfully built Skorzeny , found too that the prominent , rather bulging eyes and the dueling scar which ran vertically down his left ...

  • Never Surrender

    Turning quickly , Pollard saw a small man in a crumpled blue serge suit loitering outside the door of the works office . He slammed the bonnet down and said , “ How did you come by it ? ” “ Insurance company wrote it off after an ...

  • The October Plot

    He's a small man , thin face , white hair and I thought he might be a professor or a lawyer or something like that . I also think he lives locally . ” " Why ? ” “ Thierback said he seemed to know his way around the city .

  • Hostile Intent

    Peachey looked typecast for the job ; he was a small man with sharp , pointed features that reminded Ashton of a rodent . He had dark hair flecked with grey which was cut short back and sides and a neat toothbrush moustache which was ...

  • A Different Drummer

    Major Anthony Holland, responsible for MIDAS, a top-secret computer of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, discovers that an enemy of Britain has infiltrated the system, resulting in danger to both his own life and his country

  • Assassination Day

    SIS officer Will Landon assumes he has a simple case ahead of him when asked to investigate the sensational autobiography by the mysterious Ross Frazer. It gets complicated when two people associated with the book are murdered.

  • Troika


  • Death of a Sahib

    Death of a Sahib

  • A Killing in Moscow

    A Killing in Moscow

  • The Last Refuge

    David Garnett continues his fight against the Russian occupation force The British Resistance needs Garnett once again.