Books written by Gary Slapper

  • The English Legal System: 2011-2012

    Slapper and Kelly’s The English Legal System explains and critically assesses how our law is made and applied.

  • Sourcebook on the English Legal System

    However, even in Millar v Taylor (1769) which is regarded as the first English judicial expression of the exclusionary rule in its absolute form, Wiles J having stated. 165 Chapter 2: Sources of Law.

  • The English Legal System

    Boyce and Gokani suggest that straitened economic times are leading to a substantial increase in private prosecutions from bodies such as Transport for London, the RSPCA (an increasingly active prosecutor) or Virgin or Sky prosecuting ...

  • Sourcebook on English Legal System

    The House of Lords decision in Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v Hart provided a further significant shift in judicial approach by creating a general, though circumscribed, exception to the exclusionary rule. An important aspect of this ...

  • The English Legal System

    The work of Michael Coley, rising star of the bar, on the criminal process, and the civil and criminal courts, has been outstanding. We are indebted to Professor Dame Hazel Genn QC, Carolyn Bracknell, Christopher Donnellan QC, ...

  • Sourcebook on English Legal System

    CIVIL APPEALS The case of Tanfern v Cameron McDonald and Another [2000] 2 AU ER 801 made important comment upon the new system of civil appeals. The following piece examines the significance of recent changes in the law governing ...

  • The English Legal System

    107 R v Gearing [1968] 1 All ER 581n; (1968) 50 Cr App R 18 . ... 115, 209, 210 R v Greater Manchester Coroner ex p Tal [1984] 3 WLR 643 . ... 430, 431 R v Howell [2003] EWCA Crim 01; [2005] 1 Cr App R 1 .

  • English Law

    ... The (No 1) (1961) See Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Morts Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, The Wagon Mound WagonMound, The(1963) See Miller Steamship CoPty Ltd v Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd, R W Miller & Co Pty Ltd v Overseas Tankship(UK) ...

  • The English Legal System: 2011-2012

    ... Statutory Interpretation, 1992, London: Butterworths Bindman, G, 'Lessons of Pinochet' (1999) 149 NLJ 1050 Bindman, G, 'Lessons of history' (2009) 159 NLJ 1110 Blom-Cooper, L, 'Age of judicial responsibility' [2009] PL 429–30 Cox, ...

  • The English Legal System: 2014-2015

    ... CA ....564 R v Bartle, See R v Bow Street Metropolitan Magistrates ex parte Pinochet Ugarte, sub nom R v Evans, R v Bartle Rv Beckles [2004] All ER (D) 226 ....376, 378 R v Benjafield and Others [2001] 3 WLR 75, CA ....54, ...

  • Law: The Basics

    Cui bono? 'to whom good?' In other words, who stands to gain? Used by the ancient Roman lawyer Cicero. In trying to solve a mystery or crime it is often useful to look for someone who would stand to gain by the event. Culpability Blame.

  • Sourcebook on English Legal System

    Designed for students who may not have ready access to a law library, and for students on part-time and distance learning courses, the Sourcebook series offers a collection of material...

  • The English Legal System

    Assisting students of the English legal system to achieve an understanding of the law, its institutions and processes, this edition sets the law and legal system in its social context and outlines a range of critical views.

  • The English Legal System: 2009-2010

    This edition also includes an updated version of the court system, the rules of civil procedure, and revised chapters on criminal procedure.

  • Q&A English Legal System 2013-2014

    This book has been written to assist students in their study ofthe English legal system. ... the criminal and civil processes, some substantive law, legal theories and debates in the realms of morals and politics.

  • Q&A English Legal System 2013-2014

    This makes them excellent revision and practice guides. With over 500,000 copies ofthe Routledge Q&As sold to date, accept no other substitute. New editions publishing in 2013: Civil Liberties & Human Rights Evidence Company Law Family ...

  • Organisational Prosecutions

    bone in beef; six for offences under Food Safety Act and related Regulations; one of supplying a video with no classification certification; eight of offering goods for sale contrary to Trade Marks Act 1994; and two of transmitting ...

  • The English Legal System: 2014-2015

    This latest edition of The English Legal System has been substantially rewritten and updated to include: updates to anti-terrorism legislation and control orders; an entirely new chapter on Family Courts and Process; the new Crime and ...

  • English Law

    Whether you are engaged in the study of law, are considering studying law at university, are a business professional or want to find out more about the law in general, Slapper and Kelly's English Law offers a clear, lively and reliable ...

  • How the Law Works

    How the Law Works is essential reading for anyone approaching law for the first time, or for anyone who is interested in an engaging introduction to the subject’s bigger picture.